
243 lines
5.3 KiB
Executable File

package require cgi
source /mod/webif/lib/setup
require system.class settings.class
jqplugin enadis
set device [system disk]
set settings [settings]
set smart Unknown
set line ""
# smartctl uses non-zero exit status to indicate health hence catch.
catch { set line [exec /bin/smartctl -H $device | sed -n 5p] } msg
if {$msg ne "" && $line eq ""} { set line $msg }
if {$line ne ""} {
set smart [string range [lindex [split $line :] 1] 1 end]
$settings _tval_setting "SMART_status" $smart
puts "
<h3 class=va>
<img class=va width=100 src=/img/disc.png>
SMART data read from device $device
<fieldset class=cleft>
<legend>Disk Information</legend>
<tr><th class=key>SMART Status</th><td>$smart<td></tr>
if {[catch {set msg [exec /bin/smartctl -i $device]} xmsg]} {
set msg $xmsg
foreach line [split $msg "\n"] {
if {[string match "*Not in smartctl database*" $line]} continue
if {[string match "*: *" $line]} {
regsub -all -- {[[:space:]]+} $line " " line
set fields [split $line ":"]
puts "<tr><th class=key>[lindex $fields 0]</th>"
puts "<td>[join [lrange $fields 1 end] :]</td></tr>"
puts {
<fieldset class=cleft>
<table class=borders cellpadding=3>
<th class=odd>ID</th>
<th class=odd>Name</th>
<th class=odd>Flags</th>
<th class=odd>Raw Value</th>
<th class=odd>Value</th>
<th class=odd>Worst</th>
<th class=odd>Threshold</th>
<th class=odd>Life Left</th>
<th class=odd>Notes</th>
#set flag_autokeep 0x20
#set flag_count 0x10
#set flag_rate 0x08
#set flag_speed 0x04
#set flag_online 0x02
#set flag_prefailure 0x01
set flaglist [split "POSRCK" ""]
set flagdescr [list \
"P prefailure warning" \
"O updated online" \
"S speed/performance" \
"R error rate" \
"C event count" \
"K auto-keep" \
proc flags {val} {
global flaglist flagdescr
set f ""
set fx ""
loop i 0 [llength $flaglist] {
if {[expr $val & (1 << $i)]} {
append f [lindex $flaglist $i]
append fx "[lindex $flagdescr $i]\n"
} else {
append f "-"
return "<span title=\"$fx\">$f</span>"
set nolife {184 187 188 189 191 197 198}
set derive {4 "" 5 sectors 9 hours 12 cycles 192 "" 193 "cycles"}
if {[catch {set msg [exec /bin/smartctl -A $device]}]} {
set msg ""
set i 0
foreach line [split $msg "\n"] {
regsub -all -- {[[:space:]]+} $line " " line
regsub -all -- {^[[:space:]]+} $line "" line
if {[incr i] < 8} continue
if {$line eq ""} continue
lassign [split $line] \
id name flags val worst thresh type updated when rval
if {$id eq ""} continue
set class normal
switch $id {
5 {
$settings _nval_setting "SMART_realloc" $rval
if {$rval > 0} { set class orangeshade }
10 {
$settings _nval_setting "SMART_spinretry" $rval
#if {$rval > 0} { set class orangeshade }
197 {
$settings _nval_setting "SMART_pending" $rval
if {$rval > 0} { set class redshade }
198 {
$settings _nval_setting "SMART_offline" $rval
if {$rval > 0} { set class redshade }
if {$val <= $thresh} {
set class redshade
set left ""
if {$flags eq ""} { set flags 0 }
if {$id ni $nolife &&
[expr $flags & 0x18] == 0x10 && $val == $worst && $val <= 100 &&
$thresh < 100} {
# Event counter which is not a rate and has not regressed.
set notes ""
set left [expr 100 - 100 * (100 - $val) / (100 - $thresh)]
if {$left < 10} { set class orangeshade }
# rval can be non-numeric (e.g. 6078h+41m+22.260s)
if {[regexp {^\d+$} $rval] && $rval > 0 && [\
dict exists $derive $id]} {
if {$left < 100} {
set total [expr \
round(($rval / (100 - $left) * 100) \
/ 10000) * 10000 \
set remain $($total - $rval)
set notes "$remain of approximately"
append notes " $total $derive($id)"
set left "<span title=\"$notes\">$left%</span>"
if {$id == 190} {
append val " ([expr 100 - $val]&deg;C)"
append worst " ([expr 100 - $worst]&deg;C)"
append thresh " ([expr 100 - $thresh]&deg;C)"
puts "<tr class=$class>
<td>[flags $flags]</td>
puts {
<fieldset class=cleft>
<legend>Self-test logs</legend>
<table class=borders cellpadding=3>
<th class=odd>No.</th>
<th class=odd>Description</th>
<th class=odd>Status</th>
<th class=odd>Remaining</th>
<th class=odd>When</th>
<th class=odd>First Error LBA</th>
if {[catch {set msg [exec /bin/smartctl -l selftest $device]}]} {
set msg ""
set i 0
foreach line [split $msg "\n"] {
regsub -all -- {[[:space:]][[:space:]]+} $line "|" line
if {[incr i] < 7} continue
lassign [split $line "|"] id name status remaining when lba
if {[string length $id] > 10} continue
if {$id eq ""} continue
puts "<tr>
puts {
<div class=cleft style="padding-top: 2em">
<button id=diskack>Acknowledge any current disk faults.</button>
<script type=text/javascript>
$(function() {
.on('click', function(e) {
$.get('diskack.jim', function() {