
123 lines
2.3 KiB
Executable File

package require cgi
source /mod/webif/lib/setup
require epg.class spinner.class altrow epg_search system.class
require totop
set irinst [system pkginst ir]
[spinner new {
text "Loading Now/Next Information..."
size "1.2em"
style "margin: 1em;"
}] start
require epg_popup
set start [clock milliseconds]
set now [clock seconds]
set then $($now + 14400)
set s [settings]
set favgroup [$s channel_group]
if {$::qepg} {
if {$favgroup} {
set records [epg dbfetch dump \
-trange "$now:$then" -fav $favgroup]
} else {
set records [epg dbfetch dump -trange "$now:$then"]
} else {
require channelsort
set records [channelsort [epg dbfetch dump -trange "$now:$then"]]
set got [clock milliseconds]
if {[$s chanchangenc]} {
jscss /js/chanchangenc.js
} else {
jqplugin confirmAction
jscss /js/chanchange.js
if {[$s service_style] eq "standard"} {
set surl xservice
} else {
set surl service
puts {
<small><button id=switch>Switch to grid-style Now/Next</button></small>
<script type=text/javascript>
$('#switch').button().click(function() {
window.location = '/xepg/'; });
<table class=borders>
<th colspan=3>Channel</th>
<th>On Now</th>
<th>On Next</th>
<th>On Later</th>
set lcn 0
set num 0
foreach record $records {
set chnum [$record get channel_num]
if {$chnum == 0} { continue }
if {$chnum != $lcn} {
if {$lcn > 0} { puts "</tr>" }
puts "<td>$chnum</td>"
puts "<td>"
if {$irinst} {
puts "<a class=chanchange chan=$chnum href=#>"
puts "[$record channel_icon 50]"
if {$irinst} { puts "</a>" }
puts "</td>
<a href=\"/epg/$surl.jim?service=[\
$record get service_id]\">
[$record get channel_name]
set lcn $chnum
set num 0
incr num
if {$num == 1} {
if {[$record not_started]} {
puts "<td><i>Unknown</i></td>"
incr num
if {$num < 4} {
catch { puts [$record cell] }
if {$lcn > 0} { puts "</tr>" }
puts "</table>"
puts "
<a href=/settings/settings.jim>
<img border=0 height=14 src=/images/421_1_00_CH_Title_2R_Arrow.png>
Visit settings to change EPG options.
set end [clock milliseconds]
puts "<font class=footnote>
Retrieved in: [expr {[expr {$got - $start}] / 1000.0}] seconds.
Rendered in: [expr {[expr {$end - $start}] / 1000.0}] seconds.
epg cleanup