var opkg = '/cgi-bin/opkg.jim?cmd='; $(document).ready(function() { var busy = false; $('#opkgupdate') .button() .click(function() { execopkg('update'); }) .fadeIn('slow'); $('#opkgupgradeall') .button() .click(function() { execopkg('upgrade'); }) .fadeIn('slow'); $('#pkgtabs').tabs({ select: function() { if (busy) { alert('Please wait until the current ' + 'operation completes.'); return false; } busy = true; $('#pkgtabs') .tabs('option', 'disabled', [0,1,2]); }, load: function() { busy = false; setup_buttons(); $('#pkgtabs').tabs('option', 'disabled', []); }, spinner: ' ' + 'Loading...' }); var $dialog = $('#dialogue').dialog({ title: "Package Management Results", modal: false, autoOpen: false, height: 500, width: 700, show: 'scale', hide: 'fade', draggable: true, resizable: true, buttons: { "Close": function() {$(this).dialog('close');}}, close: function(e,u) { //$('#refreshing').show('slow'); //$('#pkgtabs').hide('fast'); //window.location.reload(true); var pkg = $('#dialogue').attr('pkg'); $('tr[pkg="' + pkg + '"]') .disable() .find('button').removeClass('va'); $('').enable(); } }); jQuery.ajaxSetup({progressInterval: 1}); function loaddata(data, isfinal) { //console.log('loaddata called, final=' + isfinal); //console.log('Data: ' + data); $('#dresults').append(data); if (isfinal) { $('#dspinner').hide('slow'); if (!$('#dresults').text()) $('#dresults').append('Nothing to do.'); else $('#complete').show('slow'); } } function execopkg(arg, pkg) { if (busy) { alert('Please wait until the current ' + 'operation completes.'); return; } busy = true; $('').disable(); $('#dspinner').show(); $('#complete').hide(); $('#dresults').empty(); $('#dialogue').attr('pkg', pkg); $dialog.dialog('open'); // $('#dresults').load(opkg + arg, function() { // $('#dspinner').hide('slow'); // }); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: opkg + arg, progress: loaddata, success: function(data) { //console.log("ajax success"); loaddata(data, true); }, error: function(_, _, e) { //console.log("ajax error"); alert(e); } }); busy = false; } function setup_buttons() { $('button.remove, button.install, button.upgrade') .button() .click(function() { if ($(this).attr('action') == 'remove' && !confirm('Please confirm removal of the ' + $(this).attr('id') + ' package.')) return; execopkg(encodeURIComponent($(this).attr('action') + ' ' + $(this).attr('id')), $(this).closest('tr').attr('pkg')); }).fadeIn('slow'); $('a.depends').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var pkg = $(this).closest('tr').attr('pkg'); execopkg(encodeURIComponent('whatdepends ' + pkg), false); }); } });