var dir; var plugins = { menu: {}, menu_prepare: {}, omenu: {}, omenu_prepare: {}, dmenu: {}, dmenu_prepare: {} }; // pattern matches directory path prefix var pathre = /.*\/|\.[^.]*$/g; // IDs of size, img elements for folders use RFC4648 s5 encoding of name function folderID(folder) { return btoa(escape(folder)) .replace(/\+/g, '-') .replace(/\//g, '_') .replace(/=/g, ''); } function blockpage(msg) { if (!msg) msg = 'Refreshing page...'; $.blockUI({ message: '

' + msg + '

' }); } function disableall() { $('button,a,input').disable(); } function pastedialogue() { $('#pwdialogue').dialog({ title: "Pasting from clipboard", modal: true, autoOpen: true, height: 'auto', width: 'auto', show: 'scale', hide: 'fade', draggable: false, resizable: false, closeOnEscape: false, open: function() { $('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close').hide(); } }); } function reloadclipboard() { $('#clipboard') .empty() .html(' Loading...') .load('/browse/clipboard.jim', function() { // Start Clipboard post-load actions if ($('#clipclear').length) { $('#paste').enable(); $('#doptmenu,#dooptmenu').enableContextMenuItems('#paste'); } else { $('#paste').disable(); $('#doptmenu,#dooptmenu').disableContextMenuItems('#paste'); } $('#clipclear').button({icons: {primary: "ui-icon-cancel"}}) .click(function() { $.get('/browse/clipboard.jim?act=clear', function() { reloadclipboard(); }); }); $('a.clipdel').click(function() { $.get('/browse/clipboard.jim?act=remove&path=' + $(this).attr('path'), function() { reloadclipboard(); }); }); $('#paste').button({icons: {primary: "ui-icon-clipboard"}}) .click(function() { disableall(); pastedialogue(); $('#pwfeedback').load('/browse/clipboard.jim', { act: 'paste', dir: dir }, function() { $('#pwdialogue').dialog('close'); blockpage(); window.location.reload(true); }); }); // End Clipboard post-load actions }); } function epginfo_callback(data, status, xhr) { //console.log(status); //console.dir(data); if (status != 'success') return; $('#rename_title').val(data.title); $('#rename_synopsis').val(data.synopsis); $('#rename_guidance').val(data.guidance); $('#rename_genre').val(data.genre); $('#rename_seriesnum').val(data.seriesnum); $('#rename_episodenum').val(data.episodenum); $('#rename_episodetot').val(data.episodetot); $('tr.tstype').show('slow'); } function insert_folder_size(folder, size) { // folder = folder.replace(/([ #;&,.+*~\':"!^$[\]()=>|\/@])/g, '\\$1'); size += (\d$/) == -1 ? 'iB' : ' bytes'); folder = folderID(folder); //console.log("Folder: (%s) = (%s)", folder, size); $(folder == "" ? '#dirsize' : '#ID' + folder) .text(' (' + size + ')'); } function folder_size_callback(data, status, xhr) { //console.log("Status: %s", status); //console.dir(data); $.each(data, insert_folder_size); } function set_folder_new(folder, cnt) { //console.log("Folder: (%s) = (%s)", folder, cnt); left = cnt > 99 ? 11 : (cnt > 9 ? 14 : 17); $('#img' + folderID(folder)) .attr('src', '/img/Folder_New.png') .next('span.foldernum') .css('left', left + 'px') .text(cnt) .show(); } function new_folder_callback(data, status, xhr) { //console.log("Status: %s", status); //console.dir(data); $.each(data, set_folder_new); // Flag folders with underscore items $.getJSON('/browse/_dir.jim', {dir: dir}, __folder_callback); } function set_folder__(folder) { //console.log("Folder: (%s)", folder); $('#img' + folderID(folder) + ' ~ span.folderu').show(); } function __folder_callback(data, status, xhr) { //console.dir(data); $.each(data, set_folder__); } function delete_callback(file, dir, id) { var el = '' + id; var results = el + ' .results'; $(results) .html('Deleting, please wait...') .slideDown('slow') .load('/browse/delete.jim', { 'dir': dir, 'files': [file] }, function() { $(el).delay(3000).slideUp(300, function() { $(el).remove(); }); }); } function lock_callback(file, type, id) { $.get('/browse/lock.jim', {file: file}, function() { blockpage(); window.location.reload(true); }); } function new_callback(file, type, id) { $.get('/browse/new.jim', {file: file}, function() { blockpage(); window.location.reload(true); }); } function rename_submit() { var s = $('#renameform_form').serialize(); $.post('/browse/rename.jim', s, function() { blockpage(); window.location.reload(true); }); } function drename_submit() { var s = $('#drenameform_form').serialize(); $.get('/browse/rename.jim?' + s, function() { blockpage(); window.location.reload(true); }); } function aexpiry_submit() { $('#aexpiry_working').slideDown('slow'); var s = $('#aexpiry_form').serialize(); $.get('/browse/aexpiry.jim?' + s, function() { blockpage(); window.location.reload(true); }); } function aexpiry_remove() { $('#aexpiry_working').slideDown('slow'); var s = $('#aexpiry_form').serialize(); $.get('/browse/aexpiry.jim?act=remove&' + s, function() { blockpage(); window.location.reload(true); }); } function newdir_submit() { var s = $('#newdirform_form').serialize(); $.get('/browse/mknewdir.jim?' + s, function() { blockpage(); window.location.reload(true); }); } function savestream_submit() { var s = $('#savestream_form').serialize(); var sf = $('#save_stream').attr('file'); $('#savestream_name').disable(); $('#savestream_spin').show(); $.get('/browse/savestream.jim?sfile=' + encodeURIComponent(sf) + '&' + s, function() { blockpage(); window.location.reload(true); }); } var $confirm; // Populated after DOM is loaded. function confirm_action(action, callback, file, type, id) { var bfile = file.replace(pathre, ''); $confirm.dialog('option', 'buttons', { 'Yes': function() { $(this).dialog('close'); callback(file, type, id); }, 'No': function() {$(this).dialog('close');} }); $('#confirm').empty().html( 'Are you sure you wish to ' + action + '
' + '' + bfile + ' ?' ); $confirm.dialog('open'); } function preparemenu(el, menu) { if (el.attr('type') == 'ts') { if (el.attr('bx') > 0) $(menu).enableContextMenuItems('#crop'); else $(menu).disableContextMenuItems('#crop'); if (el.attr('odencd') == 0) $(menu).enableContextMenuItems('#thm'); else $(menu).disableContextMenuItems('#thm'); if (el.attr('shrunk') == 0) $(menu).enableContextMenuItems('#strip'); else $(menu).disableContextMenuItems('#strip'); if (el.attr('thmok') == 1) $(menu).enableContextMenuItems('#vthm'); else $(menu).disableContextMenuItems('#vthm'); if (el.attr('rsize') > 4294967296) $(menu).enableContextMenuItems('#chunk'); else $(menu).disableContextMenuItems('#chunk'); $(menu).enableContextMenuItems('#new'); if (el.attr('new') == 1) $(menu).changeContextMenuItem('#new', 'Mark watched'); else $(menu).changeContextMenuItem('#new', 'Mark new'); $(menu).enableContextMenuItems('#lock'); if (el.attr('locked') == 1) { $(menu).changeContextMenuItem('#lock', 'Unlock'); $(menu).disableContextMenuItems('#delete'); } else { $(menu).changeContextMenuItem('#lock', 'Lock'); $(menu).enableContextMenuItems('#delete'); } if (el.attr('odencd') == 1 && el.attr('encd') == 0) $(menu).enableContextMenuItems('#decrypt'); else $(menu).disableContextMenuItems('#decrypt'); if (el.attr('odencd') == 1) { $(menu).disableContextMenuItems('#audio'); $(menu).disableContextMenuItems('#mpg'); } else { $(menu).enableContextMenuItems('#audio'); if (el.attr('def') == 'HD') $(menu).disableContextMenuItems('#mpg'); else $(menu).enableContextMenuItems('#mpg'); } } else { $(menu).enableContextMenuItems('#delete'); $(menu).disableContextMenuItems('#lock'); $(menu).disableContextMenuItems('#new'); } $.each(plugins.menu_prepare, function(k,v) { plugins.menu_prepare[k](el, menu); }); } function prepareomenu(el, menu) { $(menu).enableContextMenuItems('#delete'); $.each(plugins.omenu_prepare, function(k,v) { plugins.omenu_prepare[k](el, menu); }); } function fixdmenu(el, menu, flag, tag, descr, recurse) { var a = el.attr(flag); var b = el.attr(flag + 'R'); if (a == undefined) a = 0; if (b == undefined) b = 0; if (a > 0) $(menu).changeContextMenuItem(tag, 'Disable ' + descr); else $(menu).changeContextMenuItem(tag, 'Enable ' + descr); if (recurse) { if (b > 0) { $(menu).changeContextMenuItem(tag + 'R', 'Disable Recursive ' + descr); $(menu).disableContextMenuItems(tag); } else { $(menu).changeContextMenuItem(tag + 'R', 'Enable Recursive ' + descr); $(menu).enableContextMenuItems(tag); } } } function preparedmenu(el, menu) { fixdmenu(el, menu, 'autoshrink', '#shrink', 'Auto-shrink', 1); fixdmenu(el, menu, 'autodedup', '#dedup', 'Auto-dedup', 0); fixdmenu(el, menu, 'autodecrypt', '#decrypt', 'Auto-decrypt', 1); fixdmenu(el, menu, 'autompg', '#mpg', 'Auto-mpg', 0); fixdmenu(el, menu, 'automp3', '#mp3', 'Auto-audio', 0); $('#doptmenu a.notself').each(function() { var href = $(this).attr('href'); if (el.hasClass('self')) $(menu).disableContextMenuItems(href); else $(menu).enableContextMenuItems(href); }); $.each(plugins.dmenu_prepare, function(k,v) { plugins.dmenu_prepare[k](el, menu); }); } function flagdir(file, flag, iconset, output, options) { $(output).slideDown().load('/browse/flagdir.jim', { dir: file, flag: flag }, function() { $(iconset) .empty() .html(' Updating...') .load('/browse/iconset.jim', { file: file }); if ($(options).attr(flag) == '1') $(options).attr(flag, 0); else $(options).attr(flag, 1); }).delay(3000).slideUp(); } var menuclick = function(action, el, pos) { var file = $(el).parent().prevAll('').last().attr('file'); var efile = encodeURIComponent(file); var bfile = file.replace(pathre, ''); bfile = bfile.replace(/[\x00-\x1f]+/g, ''); var type = $(el).attr('type'); var id = $(el).attr('did'); switch (action) { case 'delete': confirm_action('delete', delete_callback, file, dir, id); break; case 'copy': if (!confirm('Are you sure? ' + 'Copying recordings takes a long time!')) break; // Fallthrough case 'cut': $.get('/browse/clipboard.jim', { act: 'add', mode: action, path: file }, function() { reloadclipboard(); }); break; case 'lock': confirm_action('change the lock on', lock_callback, file, type, id); break; case 'new': confirm_action('change the New flag on', new_callback, file, type, id); break; case 'rename': $('#rename').val(bfile); $('#renamefile').val(file); $('#rename_title').val(''); $('#rename_synopsis').val(''); $('#rename_guidance').val(''); $('tr.tstype').css('display', 'none'); if (type == 'ts') { $.getJSON('/browse/epgtitle.jim', {file: file}, epginfo_callback); } $('#renameform').dialog('open'); break; case 'thm': window.location.href = '/browse/thumbnail/index.jim?file=' + efile; break; case 'vthm': $('#thmbmp').attr('src', '/browse/bmp.jim?file=' + efile); $('#bmpdialogue').dialog('open'); break; case 'bmarks': window.location.href = '/browse/bookmarks/?file=' + efile; break; case 'download': window.location.href = '/browse/download.jim?file=' + efile + '&base=' + encodeURIComponent(document.URL.match(/:\/\/(.[^/]+)/)[1]); break; case 'crop': window.location.href = '/browse/crop/crop.jim?file=' + efile; break; case 'strip': window.location.href = '/browse/strip/strip.jim?file=' + efile; break; case 'chunk': window.location.href = '/browse/chunk/chunk.jim?file=' + efile; break; case 'decrypt': window.location.href = '/browse/decrypt/decrypt.jim?file=' + efile; break; case 'audio': window.location.href = '/browse/audio/audio.jim?file=' + efile; break; case 'mpg': window.location.href = '/browse/mpg/mpg.jim?file=' + efile; break; default: if ([action])[action](file); else alert('Unhandled action: ' + action); break; } }; var omenuclick = function(action, el, pos) { switch (action) { case 'delete': case 'copy': case 'cut': case 'rename': case 'download': menuclick(action, el, pos); break; default: if (plugins.omenu[action]) { var file = $(el).parent().prevAll('') .last().attr('file'); plugins.omenu[action](file); } else alert('Unhandled action: ' + action); break; } }; var dmenuclick = function(action, el, pos) { var file, iconset, direl; if (el.hasClass('self')) { file = dir; iconset = $('#diriconset'); } else { file = $(el).parent().prevAll('a.dbf').last().attr('file'); iconset = $(el).parent().prevAll('span.iconset').last(); direl = $(el).parent().parent(); } var results = $(el).parent().next('div.results'); var efile = encodeURIComponent(file); var bfile = file.replace(/.*\//g, ''); bfile = bfile.replace(/[\x00-\x1f]+/g, ''); switch (action) { case 'paste': pastedialogue(); $('#pwfeedback').load('/browse/clipboard.jim', { act: 'paste', dir: file }, function() { $('#pwdialogue').dialog('close'); reloadclipboard(); }); break; case 'delete': if (confirm('Are you sure you wish to delete "' + file + '" and all files within it?')) { $(results) .html('' + 'Deleting, please wait...') .slideDown('slow') .load('/browse/delete.jim', { 'dir': dir, 'files': [file] }, function() { $(direl).delay(3000).slideUp(300, function() { $(direl).remove(); }); }); } break; case 'copy': if (!confirm('Are you sure? ' + 'Copying directories can take a very long time!')) break; // Fallthrough case 'cut': $.get('/browse/clipboard.jim', { act: 'add', mode: action, path: file }, function() { reloadclipboard(); }); break; case 'rename': $('#drename').val(bfile); $('#drenameorig').val(file); $('#drenameform').dialog('open'); break; case 'expire': $('#aexpiry_ldir').val(file); // Initialise form with default values $('#aexpiry_days').val(""); $('#aexpiry_timetype0').prop('checked', true); $('#aexpiry_min').val(""); $('#aexpiry_unwatched').prop('checked', false); $('#aexpiry_form input').disable(); $('#aexpiry_working').hide('fast'); $('#aexpiry_loading').show('fast'); $.getJSON('/browse/aexpiry.jim', { act: 'fetch', dir: file }, function(data) { $.each(data, function(key, val) { if (key == 'days') $('#aexpiry_days').val(val); else if (key == 'keep') $('#aexpiry_min').val(val); else if (key == 'keepnew') $('#aexpiry_unwatched') .prop('checked', val == "1" ? true : false); else if (key == 'type') $('#aexpiry_timetype' + val) .prop('checked', true); }); $('#aexpiry_loading').hide('slow'); $('#aexpiry_form input').enable(); }); $('#aexpiry').dialog('open'); break; case 'dedup': flagdir(file, 'autodedup', iconset, results, el); break; case 'mpg': flagdir(file, 'autompg', iconset, results, el); break; case 'mp3': flagdir(file, 'automp3', iconset, results, el); break; case 'shrink': flagdir(file, 'autoshrink', iconset, results, el); break; case 'shrinkr': flagdir(file, 'autoshrinkR', iconset, results, el); break; case 'decrypt': flagdir(file, 'autodecrypt', iconset, results, el); break; case 'decryptr': flagdir(file, 'autodecryptR', iconset, results, el); break; case 'resetnew': blockpage(); $.get('/browse/resetnew.jim', { dir: file }, function() { window.location.reload(true); }); break; default: if (plugins.dmenu[action]) plugins.dmenu[action](file, iconset, results, el); else alert('Unhandled action: ' + action); break; } }; function update_diriconset() { $('#diriconset') .empty() .html(' Updating...') .load('/browse/iconset.jim', {file: dir}); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Start page loaded functions. $(function() { $('textarea').keydown(function(e) { return e.keyCode != 13; }); // Bind context menu to opt+ image $('img.opt').contextMenu( { menu: 'optmenu', leftButton: true, beforeShow: preparemenu }, menuclick ); // Bind context menu to opt+ image $('img.oopt').contextMenu( { menu: 'ooptmenu', leftButton: true, beforeShow: prepareomenu }, omenuclick ); $('img.dopt').contextMenu( { menu: 'doptmenu', leftButton: true, beforeShow: preparedmenu }, dmenuclick ); $('img.doopt').contextMenu( { menu: 'dooptmenu', leftButton: true, beforeShow: preparedmenu }, dmenuclick ); // Disable items which are not yet implemented. $('#optmenu').disableContextMenuItems('#title'); var $buttons = [ { id: 'close', text: 'Close', click: function() {$(this).dialog('close');}}, { id: 'play', text: 'Play', click: function() { doplay(this); }} ]; // Create reusable dialogue. var $dialog = $('#dialogue').dialog({ title: "Media Details", modal: false, autoOpen: false, height: 600, width: 700, show: 'scale', hide: 'fade', draggable: true, resizable: true, buttons: $buttons, close: function(e,u) { $('#dialogue').empty().html( 'Retrieving data...'); } }); function doplay(it) { var file = $dialog.attr('file'); var type = $dialog.attr('type'); var duration = 0; var fmts = ""; var vc = "" var ff = $('#ffmpeg')[0]; if (ff) { /* extract duration, container and video codec from ffmpeg output */ ff = ff.innerHTML; var match = /Duration:\s+([0-9.:]+),/.exec(ff); if (match && match[1]) duration = (new Date('1970-01-01T' + match[1] + 'Z')).getTime()/1000; match = /Input #0,\s+([-A-Za-z0-9_,]+),\s/.exec(ff); if (match && match[1]) fmts = match[1]; match = /Stream #.+\sVideo:\s+([-A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s/.exec(ff); if (match && match[1]) vc = match[1]; } fmts = /mp4|webm/.exec(fmts); if (fmts && fmts[0]) vc = /h264|av1|vp9/.exec(vc); else vc = null; if (vc && vc[0]) { /* base on page address to handle client on external network, etc */ var hh = new URL(file, window.location.href);, 'WebIf_Player'); } else { window.location = '/browse/play.jim?' + 'dir=' + encodeURIComponent(dir) + '&base=' + encodeURI(window.location.hostname) + '&duration=' + duration + '&file=' + encodeURIComponent(file); } $(it).dialog('close'); } // Bind dialogue open to filenames. $('').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var file = $(this).attr('file'); var type = $(this).attr('type'); var opt = $(this).nextAll('a').find('img.opt'); $dialog.load('/browse/file.jim', { file: file, type: type }); $dialog.attr('file', file); $dialog.attr('type', type); if (!(type == 'ts' && (opt.attr('odencd') == 0 || opt.attr('dlna') == 1))) $('#play').button('disable'); $dialog.dialog('open'); }); $('#renameform').dialog({ autoOpen: false, height: 'auto', width: 'auto', modal: true, buttons: { "Update": rename_submit, "Close": function() { $(this).dialog('close'); } }, close: function() { $('#rename').val(''); } }); $('#drenameform').dialog({ autoOpen: false, height: 'auto', width: 'auto', modal: true, buttons: { "Update": drename_submit, "Close": function() { $(this).dialog('close'); } }, close: function() { $('#drename').val(''); } }); $('#aexpiry').dialog({ autoOpen: false, height: 'auto', width: 'auto', modal: true, buttons: { "Update": aexpiry_submit, "Remove Settings": aexpiry_remove, "Close": function() { $(this).dialog('close'); } }, close: function() { $('#aexpiry_days').val('0'); } }); $('#savestreamform').dialog({ autoOpen: false, height: 'auto', width: 'auto', modal: true, buttons: { "Save": savestream_submit, "Cancel": function() { $(this).dialog('close'); } }, close: function() { $('#savestream_name').val(''); } }); $('#savestream_name').keyup(function(e) { if (e.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.ENTER) savestream_submit(); }); $('#bmpdialogue').dialog({ autoOpen: false, height: 'auto', width: 'auto', modal: true, buttons: { "Close": function() { $(this).dialog('close'); } }, close: function() { $('#thmbmp').attr('src', 'about:blank'); } }); // Create re-usable confirmation dialogue. $confirm = $('#confirm').dialog({ modal: true, autoOpen: false, height: 160, width: 500, show: 'fade', hide: 'fade', draggable: false, resizable: false }); // Load folder sizes $.getJSON('/browse/sizes.jim', {dir: dir}, folder_size_callback); // Flag folders with unwatched items $.getJSON('/browse/newdir.jim', {dir: dir}, new_folder_callback); // Populate MP3 icons (if any found) if ($('img.mp3icon')) { $.getJSON('/browse/mp3.jim', {dir: dir}, function(data, status, xhr) { $.each(data, function(file, type) { if (type == 'mp2') alt = 'MPEG-1 Audio Layer II (MP2)'; else if (type == 'mp3') alt = 'MPEG-1 Audio Layer III (MP3)'; else alt = type; $('[file$="/' + file + '"]') .siblings('img.mp3icon') .attr('src', '/img/mp3_' + type + '.png') .attr('alt', alt).attr('title', alt); }); }); } // Load clipboard reloadclipboard(); // Uncheck everything $('input.fs:checked').prop('checked', false); // Buttons $('#dedup').button().click(function() { window.location = '/dedup/dedup.jim?dir=' + encodeURIComponent(dir); }); $('#queue').button().click(function() { window.location = '/diag/queue/'; }); $('#save_stream').button().click(function() { $('#savestream_retrieving').show(); $('#savestream_detail').text('').hide(); $('#savestream_spin').hide(); $('#savestream_name').val('').enable(); $('#savestreamform').dialog('open'); $('#savestream_detail').load('/browse/ffmpeg.jim', {file: $('#save_stream').attr('file')}, function() { $('#savestream_retrieving').hide(); $('#savestream_detail').show(); $('#savestream_form').show(); }); }); $('#selectall').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $('input.fs').prop('checked', true).trigger('change'); }); $('#deselectall').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $('input.fs:checked').prop('checked', false).trigger('change'); }); $('#join').button({icons: {primary: "ui-icon-video"}}) .click(function() { var files = new Array(); var els = $('input.fsts:checked + a').each(function() { files.push($(this).attr('file')); }); //console.log("%o", files); window.location.href = '/browse/join/join.jim?files=' + files.join(); }); $('#delete').button({icons: {primary: "ui-icon-trash"}}) .click(function() { var files = new Array(); var els = $('input.fs:checked + a').each(function() { files.push(decodeURIComponent($(this).attr('file'))); }); //console.log("%o", files); var str = 'Are you sure you want to delete ' + files.length + ' file'; if (files.length != 1) str += 's'; str += '?'; if (confirm(str)) { disableall(); $('#pwdialogue').dialog({ title: "Deleting", modal: true, autoOpen: true, height: 'auto', width: 'auto', show: 'scale', hide: 'fade', draggable: false, resizable: false, closeOnEscape: false, open: function() { $('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close').hide(); } }); $('#pwfeedback').load( '/browse/delete.jim', { 'dir': dir, 'files': files }, function() { $('#pwdialogue').dialog('close'); blockpage(); window.location.reload(true); }); } }); $('#copy').button({icons: {primary: "ui-icon-copy"}}); $('#cut').button({icons: {primary: "ui-icon-scissors"}}); $('#copy,#cut') .click(function() { var files = new Array(); var els = $('input.fs:checked + a').each(function() { files.push(decodeURIComponent($(this).attr('file'))); }); //console.log("%o", files); var action = $(this).attr('id'); if (action == 'copy' && !confirm('Are you sure? ' + 'Copying recordings can take a very long time!')) return; $.post('/browse/clipboard.jim', { 'act': 'add', 'dir': dir, 'mode': action, 'path': files }, function() { reloadclipboard(); $('input.fs:checked').prop('checked', false).trigger('change'); }); }); $('#newdir').button({icons: {primary: "ui-icon-folder-collapsed"}}) .click(function() { $('#newdirform').dialog({ autoOpen: true, height: 'auto', width: 'auto', modal: true, buttons: { "Create": newdir_submit, "Cancel": function() { $(this).dialog('close'); } }, close: function() { $('#newdirname').val(''); } }); }); $('button.plugin').button().on('click', function() { window.location.href = $(this).attr('act'); return false; }); $('input.fs').change(function() { var num = $('input.fs:checked').size(); if (num > 0) $('.onesel').enable(); else $('.onesel').disable(); var num = $('input.fsts:checked').size(); if (num > 0) $('.tsonesel').enable(); else $('.tsonesel').disable(); if (num > 1) $('.tstwosel').enable(); else $('.tstwosel').disable(); }); $('.onesel,.tsonesel,.tstwosel').disable(); $('input.fs').first().trigger('change'); $('#so_queue').button() .click(function() { var files = new Array(); var els = $('input.fs:checked + a').each(function() { files.push(decodeURIComponent($(this).attr('file'))); }); disableall(); $('#pwdialogue').dialog({ title: "Queuing", modal: true, autoOpen: true, height: 'auto', width: 'auto', show: 'scale', hide: 'fade', draggable: false, resizable: false, closeOnEscape: false, open: function() { $('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close').hide(); } }); $('#pwfeedback').load( '/browse/queue.jim', { 'dir': dir, 'files': files, 'act': $('#so_queueactions').val() }, function() { $('#pwdialogue').dialog('close'); blockpage(); window.location.reload(true); }); }); var streamsize = 0; function checkstream() { $.get('/browse/streamsize.jim', function(size) { //console.log('Stream size: %o', size); var mb = size / (1024 * 1024); mb = mb|0; if (streamsize && size > streamsize) { rate = (size - streamsize) * 8.0 / (3 * 1048576); $('#streamstatus').text(mb + ' MiB (growing @' + rate.toFixed(2) + ' Mib/s)'); } else $('#streamstatus').text(mb + ' MiB'); streamsize = size; }); } if ($('#streamstatus').length) setInterval(checkstream, 3000); });