Play file in browser or with external helper application

Create a new `play.jim` in html/browse. The `/play` subtree is now obsolete and can be removed.
This commit is contained in:
df 2021-02-16 00:49:28 +00:00
parent ea56697534
commit e896ec5adc
3 changed files with 135 additions and 33 deletions

View File

@ -13,10 +13,14 @@ if {$file == 0} exit
set sz [pretty_size [file size $file]]
set flags {}
set url ""
# assumption: the type is only ts if fetch has already been checked
if {$type eq "ts"} {
require epg.class ts.class
set ts [ts fetch $file]
set ts [ts fetch $file 1]
# Causes other series information to be automatically populated
set epname [$ts episode_name]
@ -199,7 +203,7 @@ eval_plugins browsetsfile
puts "<tr>
<td>[$ts get flags]</td>
<td>[set flags [$ts get flags]]</td>
@ -215,9 +219,6 @@ if {[$ts get bookmarks]} {
puts "
puts "<div class=hidden id=file>$file</div>"
puts {
<script type=text/javascript>
@ -256,12 +257,12 @@ $('img.rollimg').hover(
# Otherwise, for a general file.
puts "
if {$type ne "ts"} {
puts "
<table class=keyval>
@ -269,20 +270,28 @@ puts "
set hasffmpeg 0
if {$type ne "ts" || ("ODEncrypted" ni $flags && $url eq "") } {
puts "<tr>
<td class=pre id=ffmpeg>
<img src=/img/spin.gif><i>Loading...</i>
set hasffmpeg 1
puts "
set url "/browse/ffmpeg.jim?file=[cgi_quote_url $file]"
puts { <script type="text/javascript"> }
puts "var url = \"$url\";"
puts {
if {hasffmpeg} {
set url "/browse/ffmpeg.jim?file=[cgi_quote_url $file]"
puts { <script type="text/javascript"> }
puts "var url = \"$url\";"
puts {
$('#ffmpeg').load(url, function() { $('#play').button('enable'); });

View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
package require cgi
source /mod/webif/lib/setup
require system.class
require ts.class
set file [cgi_get file]
set urlbase [cgi_get base ""]
set duration [cgi_get duration 1]
set fmts [split [cgi_get fmts ""] ","]
set vc [cgi_get vc ""]
# Default to just downloading the raw file.
set url $file
# Prefer to use DLNA server ... (necessary if encrypted)
set dlna [system dlnaurl $url $urlbase]
if {[llength $dlna]} {
set url [lindex $dlna 0]
} elseif {[regexp {^(https?://(.+:.*@)?[[:alnum:].]+(:[[:digit:]]+)?)/} $urlbase x y]} {
set url "$y$url"
} else {
set url "http://[system ip]$url"
if {[file extension $file] in {.ts .TS}} {
if {![catch {set ts [ts fetch $file]}] && $ts != 0} {
set duration [$ts duration 1]
set file [file tail $file]
set playlist [file tempfile "[env "TMPDIR" [env "TMP" "/tmp"]]/playXXXXXX"]
set pl ""
try {
set pl [open $playlist w]
$pl puts "#EXTM3U"
$pl puts "#EXTINF:$duration,$file"
$pl puts "#PLAYLIST:$file"
$pl puts $url
} finally {
if {$pl ne ""} {
$pl close
httpheader "application/x-mpegurl" 0 [list \
"Content-Disposition" "attachment; filename=\"[file rootname $file].m3u\"" \
"Content-Length" "[file size $playlist]" \
set pl ""
try {
set pl [open $playlist r]
$pl copyto stdout
} finally {
if {$pl ne ""} {
$pl close
catch {file delete $playlist}

View File

@ -781,12 +781,14 @@ $('img.doopt').contextMenu(
// Disable items which are not yet implemented.
var $buttons = {
"Close" : function() {$(this).dialog('close');}
var $buttonsp = $.extend(
{"Play" : function() { doplay(); }},
var $buttons = [
{ id: 'close',
text: 'Close',
click: function() {$(this).dialog('close');}},
{ id: 'play',
text: 'Play',
click: function() { doplay(this); };
// Create reusable dialogue.
var $dialog = $('#dialogue').dialog({
@ -800,16 +802,47 @@ var $dialog = $('#dialogue').dialog({
'<img src="/img/spin.gif">Retrieving data...'); }
function doplay()
function doplay(it)
var file = $dialog.attr('file');
var type = $dialog.attr('type');
var duration = 0;
var fmts = "";
var vc = ""
var ff = $('#ffmpeg')[0];
if (ff) {
/* extract duration, container and video codec from ffmpeg output */
ff = ff.innerHTML;
var match = /Duration:\s+([0-9.:]+),/.exec(ff);
if (match && match[1])
duration = (new Date('1970-01-01T' + match[1] + 'Z')).getTime()/1000;
match = /Input #0,\s+([-A-Za-z0-9_,]+),\s/.exec(ff);
if (match && match[1]) fmts = match[1];
match = /Stream #.+\sVideo:\s+([-A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s/.exec(ff);
if (match && match[1]) vc = match[1];
window.location = '/play/play.jim?' +
'dir=' + encodeURIComponent(dir) +
'&file=' + encodeURIComponent(file);
fmts = /mp4|webm/.exec(fmts);
if (fmts && fmts[0])
vc = /h264|av1|vp9/.exec(vc);
vc = null;
if (vc && vc[0]) {
/* base on page address to handle client on external network, etc */
var hh = new URL(file, window.location.href);
window.location = hh.href;
} else {
window.location = '/browse/play.jim?' +
'dir=' + encodeURIComponent(dir) +
'&base=' + encodeURI(window.location.href) +
'&duration=' + duration +
'&file=' + encodeURIComponent(file);
// Bind dialogue open to filenames.
@ -828,11 +861,9 @@ $('').click(function(e) {
$dialog.attr('file', file);
$dialog.attr('type', type);
if (type == 'ts' &&
(opt.attr('odencd') == 0 || opt.attr('dlna') == 1))
$dialog.dialog("option", "buttons", $buttonsp);
$dialog.dialog("option", "buttons", $buttons);
if (!(type == 'ts' &&
(opt.attr('odencd') == 0 || opt.attr('dlna') == 1)))