
38 lines
1.8 KiB
Executable File

source /mod/webif/plugin/sweeper/harness.jim
set ts [ts fetch /mod/webif/plugin/sweeper/th/rec/test.ts]
proc log {msg {level 1}} {
#puts $msg
#6/10. The Fame Game: Crime drama. While Sasha is occupied with an intensive training course, the boys' investigations take them to a lookalike agency. [HD] [AD,S]
foreach {test expected} {
{%title} {New Tricks}
{%synopsis%replace:Crime:XXX:} {6/10. The Fame Game: XXX drama. While Sasha is occupied with an intensive training course, the boys' investigations take them to a lookalike agency. [HD] [AD,S]}
{PREAMBLE%synopsis%replace:Crime:XXX:POSTAMBLE} {PREAMBLE6/10. The Fame Game: XXX drama. While Sasha is occupied with an intensive training course, the boys' investigations take them to a lookalike agency. [HD] [AD,S]POSTAMBLE}
{%replace:Crime:XXX:PREAMBLE %synopsis POSTAMBLE} {PREAMBLE 6/10. The Fame Game: XXX drama. While Sasha is occupied with an intensive training course, the boys' investigations take them to a lookalike agency. [HD] [AD,S] POSTAMBLE}
{%asfilename:/mod/video/Test File/bob.ts:} {_mod_video_Test File_bob_ts}
{/mod/video/%asfilename:bob/fred:.ts} {/mod/video/bob_fred.ts}
{/mod/video/%asfilename:bob/fred:.ts%replace:video:radiator:} {/mod/radiator/bob_fred.ts}
{%epname} {6/10. The Fame Game}
{%epdescr} {s?e6/10}
{%synopsis%regsub,Game:\s*,,} {6/10. The Fame Crime drama. While Sasha is occupied with an intensive training course, the boys' investigations take them to a lookalike agency. [HD] [AD,S]}
{Z Nation_ 20150825_2200.ts%regsub,_ \s*, - ,} {Z Nation - 20150825_2200.ts}
{%synopsis%regsub:^\s*([^ ]+)\s+([^ ]+).*:\1,\2:} {6/10.,The}
} {
set ret [::sweeper::expand $ts $test]
if {$ret eq $expected} {
puts [format "%-70s => OK" $test]
} else {
puts [format "%-70s => FAIL" $test]
puts " $ret"