var macros = { seriesfiler: { desc: 'Series-Filer', rules: [ { "raw": "action {fileunder ""}", "name": "Emulate Seriesfiler", "type": "folder", "enabled": "1", "criteria": [ { "negate": 0, "cmd": "series", "arg": "" } ], "action": { "cmd": "fileunder", "arg": "" } } ] }, newk: { desc: 'Remove New: prefix', rules: [ { "raw": "title New:* action {settitle {%orig%regsub,New:\\s*,,}}", "name": "Remove New: prefix.", "type": "global", "enabled": "1", "criteria": [ { "negate": 0, "cmd": "title", "arg": "New:*" } ], "action": { "cmd": "settitle", "arg": "%orig%regsub,New:\\s*,," } } ] }, dedup: { desc: 'De-duplicate/tidy', rules: [ { "raw": "!flag Deduped intmatch {%episode~~> 0} action {set {newname=s%format:%02d:%series:e%format:%02d:%episode: - %epname}}", "name": "For a new recording with detected episode number, create a new title and store it in the 'newname' variable", "type": "file", "enabled": "1", "criteria": [ { "negate": 1, "cmd": "flag", "arg": "Deduped" }, { "negate": 0, "cmd": "intmatch", "arg": "%episode~~> 0" } ], "action": { "cmd": "set", "arg": "newname=s%format:%02d:%series:e%format:%02d:%episode: - %epname" } }, { "raw": "lastrule "" action {set newfile=%asfilename/%%newname/}", "name": "Set the new filename too", "type": "file", "enabled": "1", "criteria": [ { "negate": 0, "cmd": "lastrule", "arg": "" } ], "action": { "cmd": "set", "arg": "newfile=%asfilename/%%newname/" } }, { "raw": "lastrule "" textmatch %basename~~%%newfile action {flag dedup}", "name": "If this recording already has this name, then flag as already de-duped.", "type": "file", "enabled": "1", "criteria": [ { "negate": 0, "cmd": "lastrule", "arg": "" }, { "negate": 0, "cmd": "textmatch", "arg": "%basename~~%%newfile" } ], "action": { "cmd": "flag", "arg": "dedup" } }, { "raw": "!flag Deduped varset newfile fileexists %%newfile.ts action delete", "name": "If still not de-duped and another file with the new name already exists, then delete this one.", "type": "file", "enabled": "1", "criteria": [ { "negate": 1, "cmd": "flag", "arg": "Deduped" }, { "negate": 0, "cmd": "varset", "arg": "newfile" }, { "negate": 0, "cmd": "fileexists", "arg": "%%newfile.ts" } ], "action": { "cmd": "delete", "arg": "" } }, { "raw": "!flag Deduped varset newname action {settitle %%newname}", "name": "Otherwise set the recording title.", "type": "file", "enabled": "1", "criteria": [ { "negate": 1, "cmd": "flag", "arg": "Deduped" }, { "negate": 0, "cmd": "varset", "arg": "newname" } ], "action": { "cmd": "settitle", "arg": "%%newname" } }, { "raw": "lastrule "" action {renamefile %%newname}", "name": "and recording filename.", "type": "file", "enabled": "1", "criteria": [ { "negate": 0, "cmd": "lastrule", "arg": "" } ], "action": { "cmd": "renamefile", "arg": "%%newname" } }, { "raw": "lastrule "" action {flag dedup}", "name": "Finally, flag recording as de-duped.", "type": "file", "enabled": "1", "criteria": [ { "negate": 0, "cmd": "lastrule", "arg": "" } ], "action": { "cmd": "flag", "arg": "dedup" } } ] }, example: { desc: 'Example rules', rules: [ { "raw": "lcn {>= 70} lcn {<= 79} or {duration {>= 90} genre Film } action {move Children/Films}", "name": "Move any Children's films", "type": "file", "enabled": "0", "criteria": [ { "negate": 0, "cmd": "lcn", "arg": ">= 70" }, { "negate": 0, "cmd": "lcn", "arg": "<= 79" }, { "negate": 0, "cmd": "or", "arg": "duration {>= 90} genre Film ", "criteria": [ { "negate": 0, "cmd": "duration", "arg": ">= 90" }, { "negate": 0, "cmd": "genre", "arg": "Film" } ] } ], "action": { "cmd": "move", "arg": "Children/Films" } }, { "raw": "lcn {>= 70} lcn {<= 79} action {move Children/Miscellaneous}", "name": "Move anything else recorded from a children's channel", "type": "file", "enabled": "0", "criteria": [ { "cmd": "lcn", "arg": ">= 70" }, { "cmd": "lcn", "arg": "<= 79" } ], "action": { "cmd": "move", "arg": "Children/Miscellaneous" } }, { "raw": "lcn {>= 70} lcn {<= 79} action {fileundercreate Children}", "name": "Move any series recordings from a Children's channel (folder rule)", "type": "folder", "enabled": "0", "criteria": [ { "cmd": "lcn", "arg": ">= 70" }, { "cmd": "lcn", "arg": "<= 79" } ], "action": { "cmd": "fileundercreate", "arg": "Children" } }, { "raw": "title {Formula 1} action {move F1}", "name": "Move any one-off Formula 1 recordings into the F1 folder", "type": "file", "enabled": "0", "criteria": [ { "cmd": "title", "arg": "Formula 1" } ], "action": { "cmd": "move", "arg": "F1" } }, { "raw": "age {> 120} action {movecreate Misc}", "name": "Move any one-off recordings into a folder called Misc after a while", "type": "file", "enabled": "0", "criteria": [ { "cmd": "age", "arg": "> 120" } ], "action": { "cmd": "movecreate", "arg": "Misc" } } ] } };