fix expansions and add test suite

This commit is contained in:
hummypkg 2015-09-09 18:12:21 +00:00
parent f717c85921
commit 7d3c84fed5
7 changed files with 102 additions and 60 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Package: sweeper
Priority: optional
Section: misc
Version: 2.0.11
Version: 2.0.12
Architecture: mipsel
Depends: webif(>=1.2.4-3)

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@ -56,14 +56,69 @@ proc ::sweeper::expand_asfilename {ts &ret arg} {
return [system filename $arg]
set ::sweeper::brmap "( ) \[ ] \\{ \\}"
# Expand a string containing tokens
proc ::sweeper::expand {ts str {orig ""}} {
if {[string first "%" $str] == -1} {
return $str
# First process any extended functions
set ret $str
set fnstack {}
foreach {fn params} $::sweeper::expand_fns {
lassign $params numargs flags
set ls -1
while {[set s [string first "%$fn" $ret]] >= 0} {
if {$s <= $ls} break
set ls $s
# Fetch the delimiter
set chpos $($s + [string length $fn] + 1)
set ch [string index $ret $chpos]
#log "Found FN $fn @ $s \[delim:$ch@$chpos]" 2
# Extract the arguments
set pos $chpos
set fnargs {}
while {[llength $fnargs] < $numargs} {
incr pos
set e [string first $ch $ret $pos]
if {$e == -1} {
log "Error. %$fn - [llength $fnargs]/$numargs parameters found."
lappend fnargs [::sweeper::expand $ts [
string range $ret $pos $($e - 1)] $orig]
set pos $e
# s points to the start, e.g. %function
# e points to the last delimiter or -1 if insufficient
# arguments were found.
if {$e == -1} break
if {"inline" in $flags} {
# For inline functions, replace the call with
# the result.
set fnret [
::sweeper::expand_$fn $ts ret {*}$fnargs]
set ret [string replace $ret $s $e $fnret]
} else {
# otherwise, queue the function up for later
# execution.
lappend fnstack $fn $fnargs
# and remove the call
set ret [string replace $ret $s $e]
#log "FNSTACK: $fnstack" 2
set glist [ts genrelist]
set tsg [$ts get genre]
if {![dict exists $glist $tsg]} {
@ -131,64 +186,14 @@ proc ::sweeper::expand {ts str {orig ""}} {
# log $map 2
set ret [string map $map $str]
set ret [string map $map $ret]
log " Expanded \[$str] -> \[$ret]" 2
foreach {fn params} $::sweeper::expand_fns {
# log " Looking for %$fn" 2
lassign $params numargs flags
set li -1
while {[set i [string first "%$fn" $ret]] >= 0} {
if {$i <= $li} break
set li $i
# Fetch the delimiter
set chpos $($i + [string length $fn] + 1)
set ch [string index $ret $chpos]
# log " - found at $i (delim\[$ch])" 2
# Extract the arguments
set pos $chpos
set fnargs {}
while {[llength $fnargs] < $numargs} {
incr pos
set e [string first $ch $ret $pos]
if {$e == -1 && [ \
dict exists $::sweeper::brmap $ch]} {
set bch $::sweeper::brmap($ch)
set e [string first $bch $ret $pos]
if {$e == -1} {
log "Error. %$fn - [llength $fnargs]/$numargs parameters found."
lappend fnargs [string range $ret \
$pos $($e - 1)]
set pos $e
# log "FNARGS: ($fnargs)" 2
if {[llength $fnargs] == $numargs} {
log " - Calling expand_$fn\($fnargs)" 2
set fnret [
::sweeper::expand_$fn $ts ret {*}$fnargs]
log " - Result: ($ret) ($fnret)" 2
if {"inline" in $flags} {
set nret [string range $ret 0 $($i - 1)]
append nret $fnret
append nret [string range $ret $($pos + 1) end]
set ret $nret
} else {
set ret [string replace $ret $($i - 1) $pos]
log " FN expanded \[$str] -> \[$ret]" 2
# Now call any queued extended functions
foreach {fn fnargs} $fnstack {
log " - Calling expand_$fn\($fnargs)" 2
::sweeper::expand_$fn $ts ret {*}$fnargs
log " Result: ($ret)" 2
return $ret

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@ -41,5 +41,5 @@ proc scan_run {dir flag callback} {
set root [system mediaroot]
source auto.hook
source /mod/webif/plugin/sweeper/auto.hook

webif/plugin/sweeper/th/expand Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
source /mod/webif/plugin/sweeper/harness.jim
set ts [ts fetch /mod/webif/plugin/sweeper/th/rec/test.ts]
proc log {msg {level 1}} {
#puts $msg
#6/10. The Fame Game: Crime drama. While Sasha is occupied with an intensive training course, the boys' investigations take them to a lookalike agency. [HD] [AD,S]
foreach {test expected} {
{%title} {New Tricks}
{%synopsis%replace:Crime:XXX:} {6/10. The Fame Game: XXX drama. While Sasha is occupied with an intensive training course, the boys' investigations take them to a lookalike agency. [HD] [AD,S]}
{PREAMBLE%synopsis%replace:Crime:XXX:POSTAMBLE} {PREAMBLE6/10. The Fame Game: XXX drama. While Sasha is occupied with an intensive training course, the boys' investigations take them to a lookalike agency. [HD] [AD,S]POSTAMBLE}
{%replace:Crime:XXX:PREAMBLE %synopsis POSTAMBLE} {PREAMBLE 6/10. The Fame Game: XXX drama. While Sasha is occupied with an intensive training course, the boys' investigations take them to a lookalike agency. [HD] [AD,S] POSTAMBLE}
{%asfilename:/mod/video/Test File/bob.ts:} {_mod_video_Test File_bob_ts}
{/mod/video/%asfilename:bob/fred:.ts} {/mod/video/bob_fred.ts}
{/mod/video/%asfilename:bob/fred:.ts%replace:video:radiator:} {/mod/radiator/bob_fred.ts}
{%epname} {6/10. The Fame Game}
{%epdescr} {s?e6/10}
{%synopsis%regsub,Game:\s*,,} {6/10. The Fame Crime drama. While Sasha is occupied with an intensive training course, the boys' investigations take them to a lookalike agency. [HD] [AD,S]}
{Z Nation_ 20150825_2200.ts%regsub,_ \s*, - ,} {Z Nation - 20150825_2200.ts}
{%synopsis%regsub:^\s*([^ ]+)\s+([^ ]+).*:\1,\2:} {6/10.,The}
} {
set ret [::sweeper::expand $ts $test]
if {$ret eq $expected} {
puts [format "%-70s => OK" $test]
} else {
puts [format "%-70s => FAIL" $test]
puts " $ret"

Binary file not shown.

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