
379 lines
8.3 KiB
Executable File

source /mod/webif/lib/setup
require system.class settings.class ts.class rsv.class browse.class \
queue.class \
lock plugin safe_delete pretty_size
source /mod/webif/lib/auto/util.jim
set ::auto::settings [settings]
set ::auto::loglevel [$::auto::settings autolog]
set ::auto::prelocked 0
set ::auto::earlyexit 0
set ::auto::force 0
while {[llength $argv]} {
switch -- [lindex $argv 0] {
-d {
set ::auto::loglevel 2
set ::auto::logfd stdout
-f {
set ::auto::force 1
-prelocked {
set ::auto::prelocked 1
-logprefix {
set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]
if {[llength $argv]} {
set ::auto::logprefix [lindex $argv 0]
-test {
set ::auto::earlyexit 1
default {
# Pass to rest of script.
set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]
# Acquire lock
if {$::auto::logfd ne "unset"} {
puts $::auto::logfd "Acquiring lock..."
if {!$::auto::prelocked && ![acquire_lock webif_autoscan]} {
if {$::auto::loglevel > 1} {
system plog auto "Could not acquire lock."
puts "Could not acquire exclusive lock, terminating."
# Determine if it's time to run
if {[system uptime] < 180} {
::auto::log "Aborting, system has just booted." 2
if {!$::auto::force} {
set autofreq [$::auto::settings autofreq]
if {$autofreq == 0} { set autofreq 10 }
set timesincelast $(([clock seconds] - [$::auto::settings autolast]) / 60)
if {$timesincelast < $autofreq} {
::auto::log "Aborting, not yet time to run." 2
::auto::log " elapsed (minutes): $timesincelast (<$autofreq)" 2
if {$::auto::earlyexit} {
if {!$::auto::force} {
$::auto::settings autolast [clock seconds]
puts "Early exit."
# Initialisation
set scanstart [clock milliseconds]
::auto::log "Auto processing starting" 2
::auto::tmpdir "webif_auto"
if {[system pkginst undelete]} {
set ::auto::dustbin "[system dustbin]"
} else {
set ::auto::dustbin ""
set ::auto::root [system mediaroot]
file stat "$::auto::root/" rootstat
set ::auto::rootdev $rootstat(dev)
# Utility functions
set ::auto::recalcdirs {}
proc ::auto::recalcdir {dir} {
variable recalcdirs
ladd recalcdirs $dir
proc ::auto::direntries {dir callback} {
foreach entry [readdir -nocomplain $dir] {
if {![string match {*.ts} $entry]} continue
if {[catch {set ts [ts fetch "$dir/$entry"]}]} continue
if {$ts == 0} continue
if {[$callback $ts] eq "STOP"} break
proc ::auto::autoflagscan {dir attr callback {recurse 1} {force 0} {seen {}}} \
{{indent 0} {forceflag ""}} {
variable dustbin
variable rootdev
incr indent 2
log "[string repeat " " $indent]\[$dir]" 2
if {$dir eq $dustbin} {
log "[string repeat " " $indent]Dustbin, skipping." 2
incr indent -2
file stat "$dir/" st
if {[specialdir $dir]} {
# Special folder
if {$st(dev) != $rootdev} {
log "[string repeat " " $indent\
]Special folder on different device, skipping." 2
incr indent -2
if {$force} {
set force 0
set forceflag ""
log "[string repeat " " $indent\
]Special folder, overriding recursion." 2
# Already seen
set key "$st(dev):$st(ino)"
if {$key in $seen} {
log "[string repeat " " $indent]Already seen, skipping." 2
incr indent -2
lappend seen $key
# Recursion
if {!$force && [file exists "$dir/.auto${attr}r"]} {
log "[string repeat " " $indent] (R)" 2
set force 1
set forceflag "$dir/.auto${attr}r"
if {$force || [file exists "$dir/.auto$attr"]} {
if {[$callback $dir] eq "STOP"} {
log "[string repeat " " $indent\
]Callback returned STOP." 2
incr indent -2
return "STOP"
foreach entry [readdir -nocomplain $dir] {
if {$recurse && [file isdirectory "$dir/$entry"]} {
if {[autoflagscan "$dir/$entry" \
$attr $callback $recurse $force \
$seen] eq "STOP"} {
incr indent -2
return "STOP"
file stat "$dir/$entry" st
set key "$st(dev):$st(ino)"
lappend seen $key
incr indent -2
proc ::auto::flagscan {dir flag callback {seen {}}} {
variable dustbin
if {$dir eq $dustbin} return
if {[specialdir $dir]} return
file stat $dir st
set key "$st(dev):$st(ino)"
if {$key in $seen} {
log "Already seen $dir ($key)" 2
lappend seen $key
if {[file exists "$dir/.$flag"]} {
if {[$callback $dir] eq "STOP"} {
log "Callback returned STOP." 2
return "STOP"
foreach entry [readdir -nocomplain $dir] {
if {[file isdirectory "$dir/$entry"]} {
if {[flagscan "$dir/$entry" $flag $callback $seen]
eq "STOP"} {
return "STOP"
file stat "$dir/$entry" st
set key "$st(dev):$st(ino)"
lappend seen $key
# Plugin registration
set ::auto::plugins {}
proc ::auto::register {plugin {priority 500} {fn ""}} {
variable plugins
if {$fn eq ""} { set fn "::${plugin}::run" }
lappend plugins [list $plugin $fn $priority]
log "Registered $plugin with priority $priority ($fn)" 2
# Backwards compatibility with legacy plugins
set ::auto::legacy {}
proc register {type fn {priority 50}} {
set module [lindex [split $fn :] 2]
switch -- $type {
predecryptscan { incr priority 600 }
postdecryptscan { incr priority 500 }
prededupscan { incr priority 800 }
postdedupscan { incr priority 700 }
preshrinkscan { incr priority 400 }
postshrinkscan { incr priority 300 }
prempgscan { incr priority 300 }
postmpgscan { incr priority 200 }
premp3scan { incr priority 300 }
postmp3scan { incr priority 200 }
preexpirescan { incr priority 900 }
postexpirescan { incr priority 800 }
postdecryptsingledir {
::auto::log \
"Mapping ::${module}::rundir on to $fn" 1
alias ::${module}::rundir $fn
default {
::auto::log \
"Legacy registration ignored for $type $fn" 1
::auto::register $module $priority $fn
lappend ::auto::legacy $module
# Load plugins
# Bundled
eval_plugins auto 1 "" /mod/webif/lib/auto/plugin
# Third party
# temporary for legacy plugins
set settings $::auto::settings
set root $::auto::root
eval_plugins auto 1
unset settings root
# Set expected variables for legacy plugins
if {[llength $::auto::legacy]} {
::auto::log "Legacy plugins in use - $::auto::legacy" 1
set settings $::auto::settings
set root $::auto::root
alias log ::auto::log
alias scan_run ::auto::flagscan
alias scanup ::auto::autoflagscanup
# Run plugins
set ::auto::orderedplugins [\
lsort -index end -decreasing -integer $::auto::plugins]
set __dummy ""
proc ::auto::runplugin {fn {_plugin ""} args} {
variable orderedplugins
variable legacy
foreach p $orderedplugins {
lassign $p plugin xfn priority
if {$_plugin ne "" && $plugin ne $_plugin} continue
if {$fn eq "run"} {
set rfn $xfn
} else {
set rfn "::${plugin}::$fn"
if {[exists -proc $rfn] || [exists -alias $rfn]} {
set st [clock milliseconds]
log [string repeat * 56] 2
log "*********> $rfn (Priority $priority)" 2
if {$plugin in $legacy && $fn ne "rundir"} {
set call [list $rfn __dummy]
} else {
set call [list $rfn $args]
if {[catch {uplevel 1 {*}$call} msg]} {
log "$rfn: $msg" 0
log "<********* $rfn ([elapsed $st] seconds)" 2
set ::auto::passes {init run cleanup}
if {[lindex $argv 0] eq "-singledir"} {
foreach dir [lrange $argv 1 end] {
::auto::runplugin rundir "" $dir
} elseif {[llength $argv] > 0} {
foreach pass $::auto::passes {
foreach arg $argv { ::auto::runplugin $pass $arg }
} else {
foreach pass $::auto::passes {
::auto::runplugin $pass
$::auto::settings autolast [clock seconds]
if {!$::auto::prelocked} { release_lock webif_autoscan }
foreach dir $::auto::recalcdirs {
::auto::log "Running unwatched recalculation for $dir" 2
ts resetnew $dir
::auto::log "Auto processing completed in [::auto::elapsed $scanstart] seconds."