
232 lines
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// iPhone-style Checkboxes jQuery plugin
// Copyright Thomas Reynolds, licensed GPL & MIT
;(function($, iphoneStyle) {
// Constructor
$[iphoneStyle] = function(elem, options) {
this.$elem = $(elem);
// Import options into instance variables
var obj = this;
$.each(options, function(key, value) {
obj[key] = value;
// Initialize the control
if (this.resizeHandle) { this.optionallyResize('handle'); }
if (this.resizeContainer) { this.optionallyResize('container'); }
$.extend($[iphoneStyle].prototype, {
// Wrap the existing input[type=checkbox] with divs for styling and grab DOM references to the created nodes
wrapCheckboxWithDivs: function() {
this.$elem.wrap('<div class="' + this.containerClass + '" />');
this.container = this.$elem.parent();
this.offLabel = $('<label class="'+ this.labelOffClass +'">' +
'<span>'+ this.uncheckedLabel +'</span>' +
this.offSpan = this.offLabel.children('span');
this.onLabel = $('<label class="'+ this.labelOnClass +'">' +
'<span>'+ this.checkedLabel +'</span>' +
this.onSpan = this.onLabel.children('span');
this.handle = $('<div class="' + this.handleClass + '">' +
'<div class="' + this.handleRightClass + '">' +
'<div class="' + this.handleCenterClass + '" />' +
'</div>' +
// Disable IE text selection, other browsers are handled in CSS
disableTextSelection: function() {
// if (!$.browser.msie) { return; }
// Elements containing text should be unselectable
$.each([this.handle, this.offLabel, this.onLabel, this.container], function() {
$(this).attr("unselectable", "on");
// Automatically resize the handle or container
optionallyResize: function(mode) {
var onLabelWidth = this.onLabel.width(),
offLabelWidth = this.offLabel.width();
if (mode == 'container') {
var newWidth = (onLabelWidth > offLabelWidth) ? onLabelWidth : offLabelWidth;
newWidth += this.handle.width() + 15;
} else {
var newWidth = (onLabelWidth < offLabelWidth) ? onLabelWidth : offLabelWidth;
this[mode].css({ width: newWidth });
attachEvents: function() {
var obj = this;
// A mousedown anywhere in the control will start tracking for dragging
.bind('mousedown touchstart', function(event) {
if (obj.$elem.is(':disabled')) { return; }
var x = event.pageX || event.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX;
$[iphoneStyle].currentlyClicking = obj.handle;
$[iphoneStyle].dragStartPosition = x;
$[iphoneStyle].handleLeftOffset = parseInt(obj.handle.css('left'), 10) || 0;
$[iphoneStyle].dragStartedOn = obj.$elem;
// Utilize event bubbling to handle drag on any element beneath the container
.bind('iPhoneDrag', function(event, x) {
if (obj.$elem.is(':disabled')) { return; }
if (obj.$elem != $[iphoneStyle].dragStartedOn) { return; }
var p = (x + $[iphoneStyle].handleLeftOffset - $[iphoneStyle].dragStartPosition) / obj.rightSide;
if (p < 0) { p = 0; }
if (p > 1) { p = 1; }
obj.handle.css({ left: p * obj.rightSide });
obj.onLabel.css({ width: p * obj.rightSide + 4 });
obj.offSpan.css({ marginRight: -p * obj.rightSide });
obj.onSpan.css({ marginLeft: -(1 - p) * obj.rightSide });
// Utilize event bubbling to handle drag end on any element beneath the container
.bind('iPhoneDragEnd', function(event, x) {
if (obj.$elem.is(':disabled')) { return; }
var checked;
if ($[iphoneStyle].dragging) {
var p = (x - $[iphoneStyle].dragStartPosition) / obj.rightSide;
checked = (p < 0) ? Math.abs(p) < 0.5 : p >= 0.5;
} else {
checked = !obj.$elem.prop('checked');
obj.$elem.prop('checked', checked);
$[iphoneStyle].currentlyClicking = null;
$[iphoneStyle].dragging = null;
// Animate when we get a change event
this.$elem.change(function() {
if (obj.$elem.is(':disabled')) {
return false;
} else {
var new_left = obj.$elem.prop('checked') ? obj.rightSide : 0;
obj.handle.animate({ left: new_left }, obj.duration);
obj.onLabel.animate({ width: new_left + 4 }, obj.duration);
obj.offSpan.animate({ marginRight: -new_left }, obj.duration);
obj.onSpan.animate({ marginLeft: new_left - obj.rightSide }, obj.duration);
// Setup the control's inital position
initialPosition: function() {
this.offLabel.css({ width: this.container.width() - 5 });
// var offset = ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 7) ? 3 : 6;
var offset = 6;
this.rightSide = this.container.width() - this.handle.width() - offset;
if (this.$elem.is(':checked')) {
this.handle.css({ left: this.rightSide });
this.onLabel.css({ width: this.rightSide + 4 });
this.offSpan.css({ marginRight: -this.rightSide });
} else {
this.onLabel.css({ width: 0 });
this.onSpan.css({ marginLeft: -this.rightSide });
if (this.$elem.is(':disabled')) {
// jQuery-specific code
$.fn[iphoneStyle] = function(options) {
var checkboxes = this.filter(':checkbox');
// Fail early if we don't have any checkboxes passed in
if (!checkboxes.length) { return this; }
// Merge options passed in with global defaults
var opt = $.extend({}, $[iphoneStyle].defaults, options);
checkboxes.each(function() {
$(this).data(iphoneStyle, new $[iphoneStyle](this, opt));
if (!$[iphoneStyle].initComplete) {
// As the mouse moves on the page, animate if we are in a drag state
.bind('mousemove touchmove', function(event) {
if (!$[iphoneStyle].currentlyClicking) { return; }
var x = event.pageX || event.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX;
if (!$[iphoneStyle].dragging &&
(Math.abs($[iphoneStyle].dragStartPosition - x) > opt.dragThreshold)) {
$[iphoneStyle].dragging = true;
$(event.target).trigger('iPhoneDrag', [x]);
// When the mouse comes up, leave drag state
.bind('mouseup touchend', function(event) {
if (!$[iphoneStyle].currentlyClicking) { return; }
var x = event.pageX || event.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX;
$($[iphoneStyle].currentlyClicking).trigger('iPhoneDragEnd', [x]);
$[iphoneStyle].initComplete = true;
return this;
}; // End of $.fn[iphoneStyle]
$[iphoneStyle].defaults = {
duration: 200, // Time spent during slide animation
checkedLabel: 'ON', // Text content of "on" state
uncheckedLabel: 'OFF', // Text content of "off" state
resizeHandle: true, // Automatically resize the handle to cover either label
resizeContainer: true, // Automatically resize the widget to contain the labels
disabledClass: 'iPhoneCheckDisabled',
containerClass: 'iPhoneCheckContainer',
labelOnClass: 'iPhoneCheckLabelOn',
labelOffClass: 'iPhoneCheckLabelOff',
handleClass: 'iPhoneCheckHandle',
handleCenterClass: 'iPhoneCheckHandleCenter',
handleRightClass: 'iPhoneCheckHandleRight',
dragThreshold: 5 // Pixels that must be dragged for a click to be ignored
})(jQuery, 'iphoneStyle');