
51 lines
1.1 KiB
Executable File

package require cgi
source /mod/webif/lib/setup
require ts.class pretty_size
set rfile [cgi_get file]
set ts [ts fetch $rfile]
set dir [file dirname $rfile]
set len [$ts duration 1]
set stripstart [clock milliseconds]
set base [file rootname $rfile]
set origdir "$dir/_original"
if {![file exists $origdir]} { file mkdir $origdir }
set shname [file tail $base]
puts "Processing $shname"
if {[file exists "$origdir/$shname.ts"]} {
puts "This recording already exists within _original"
puts "Cannot continue."
puts "Moving recording to $origdir"
set tail [file tail $base]
foreach ext $tsgroup {
puts " $tail.$ext"
file rename "$base.$ext" "${origdir}/$tail.$ext"
puts [exec /mod/bin/stripts \
"$origdir/$shname" \
"$dir/$shname" \
set newname "$shname-[clock seconds]"
puts "Renaming file group to $newname"
ts renamegroup "$dir/$shname.ts" $newname
exec /mod/bin/hmt "+setfilename=$newname" "$dir/$newname.hmt"
exec /mod/bin/hmt "+shrunk" "$dir/$newname.hmt"
set striptime [expr [expr [clock milliseconds] - $stripstart] / 1000.0]
puts "Time taken: $striptime"