
115 lines
2.5 KiB
Executable File

package require cgi
source /mod/webif/lib/setup
require settings.class pkg.class altrow
if {[[settings] pkgdev]} { set filter 0 } else { set filter 1 }
proc pkgrow {pkg} {
set name [$pkg get name]
altrow "pkg=\"$name\""
puts "<td nowrap>$name"
if {$::type eq "inst"} {
puts "<br><a href=# class=depends>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<img class=va border=0
src=/images/421_1_00_CH_Title_2R_Arrow.png height=14>
<span class=\"va footnote\">Info</span></a>"
puts "</td>"
if {$::type eq "avail"} {
puts "<td nowrap>[$pkg get latest]</td>"
} else {
puts "<td nowrap>[$pkg get installed]</td>"
if {$::type eq "upgr"} {
puts "<td nowrap>[$pkg get latest]</td>"
puts "<td>"
if {[dict exists $::pkgmeta $name]} {
puts "$::pkgmeta($name)"
} else {
puts "[$pkg get descr]"
if {$::type eq "upgr"} {
$pkg loadraw
set url [$pkg get url]
set changes [$pkg get changes]
if {$changes ne ""} {
puts "<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;<i>$changes</i>"
if {$url ne ""} {
puts "
<a class=va href=\"$url\" target=_blank style=\"color: darkblue\">
<img class=va height=18 width=18 src=/img/info.png> $url
puts "</td>"
if {![$pkg is installed]} {
set type Install
} elseif {$::type eq "upgr" && [$pkg is upgradable]} {
set type Upgrade
} else {
set type Remove
puts "<td align=center><small><button id=\"$name\"
action=[string tolower $type]
class=\"va [string tolower $type]\">$type</button></small></td>"
puts "</tr>"
pkg loadmeta
set type [cgi_get type "avail"]
set pkgs [pkg $type]
if {[llength $pkgs] > 0} {
puts "<table><tr><th>Package</th>"
if {$type eq "avail"} {
puts "<th>Available</th>"
} else {
puts "<th>Installed</th>"
if {$type eq "upgr"} {
puts "<th>Avail</th>"
puts "
foreach pkg $pkgs {
if {$type ne "upgr" && $filter && \
![dict exists $::pkgmeta $pkg]} { continue }
pkgrow [pkg load $pkg]
puts "</table>"
if {$type ne "upgr" && $filter} {
puts "<font class=footnote>This is a filtered package list. To show all packages, enable the <i>Show development and advanced packages</i> in the settings screen.</font>"
} else {
puts "<i>No packages "
switch $type {
inst { puts "are installed." }
upgr { puts "are available for upgrade; try updating the package list from the Internet using the button above." }
avail { puts "are available for installation." }
puts "</i>"