
27 lines
658 B

if {![exists -proc pretty_size]} {
proc pretty_size {size} {{units {bytes KiB MiB GiB TiB}}} {
# for {set i 0; set l [llength $units]; incr l -1} {
# $size > 1023 && $i < $l} {incr i} {
# set size $($size / 1024.0)
# }
# We need to know how many powers of 1024 there are in
# size. This calculates the answer effeciently. Testing
# shows that this version takes 2/3 the time of the above.
if {$size <= 0} {
set i 0
} else {
set i $(int(log($size) / log(1024)))
set size $($size / 1024.0 ** $i)
set size [string trimright \
[string trimright [format "%.2f" $size] "0"] "."]
return "$size [lindex $units $i]"