Fix access modes

This commit is contained in:
df 2021-10-07 07:59:36 +00:00
parent bbff98d04b
commit 6d59d9651d
1 changed files with 16 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -162,31 +162,34 @@ proc {system encryptionkey} {} {{key ""}} {
return [system keybytestostring $bytes]
proc {system customencryptionkey} {{key ""}} {
proc open_keyfile {{access r}} {
return [open "/mod/boot/cryptokey" $access]
proc {system customencryptionkey} {{key ""}} {{keyfile "/mod/boot/cryptokey"}} {
set ck_fd {}
try {
if {$key ne ""} {
if {$key eq ""}
set ck_fd [open $keyfile r]
set ck_bytes [$ck_fd read 16]
return [system keybytestostring $ck_bytes]
} elseif {[string equal -nocase $key [system encryptionkey]]} {
file delete -force $keyfile
return $key
} else {
set ck_bytes [binary format H* $key]
set test [system keybytestostring $ck_bytes]
if {![string equal -nocase $test $key]} {
throw 1 "Invalid custom key"
# attempt not to truncate on update until written
set ck_fd [open_keyfile a]
if {[file exists $keyfile]} {
# attempt not to truncate on update until written
set mode r+
} else {
set mode w
set ck_fd [open $keyfile $mode]
$ck_fd seek 0
$ck_fd puts -nonewline $ck_bytes
$ck_fd close
set ck_fd {}
return $key
} else {
set ck_fd [open_keyfile]
set ck_bytes [$ck_fd read 16]
return [system keybytestostring $ck_bytes]
} on error {msg opts} {
return {}