if {![exists -proc class]} { package require oo } class pkg { name "" latest "" descr "" installed "" } set ::pkgmeta {} set ::diagmeta {} pkg method _load {nm} { set name $nm foreach line [split [exec /bin/opkg list $nm] "\n"] { # betaftpd - 0.0.8pre17-1 - Description... regexp {^[^ ]+ - ([^ ]+) - (.*)$} $line x latest descr } set info [exec /bin/opkg list-installed $nm] regexp {^([^ ]+) - ([^ ]+)$} $info full xname installed return $self } proc {pkg load} {nm} { return [[pkg] _load $nm] } pkg method is {what} { switch $what { installed { if {$installed eq ""} { return 0 } return 1 } upgradable { if {$installed eq $latest} { return 0 } return 1 } } return 0 } proc {pkg avail} {} { set inst_pkgs [pkg inst] set avail_pkgs {} foreach pkg [split [exec /bin/opkg list] "\n"] { if [regexp {^ } $pkg] { continue } if {[regexp {^([^ ]+)} $pkg name] == 0} { continue } if {$name ni $inst_pkgs} { lappend avail_pkgs $name } #puts "New: $name
" } return $avail_pkgs } proc {pkg inst} {} { # Build a list of installed packages - just the names set inst_pkgs {} foreach pkg [split [exec /bin/opkg list-installed] "\n"] { if {[regexp {^([^ ]+)} $pkg name] == 0} { continue } lappend inst_pkgs $name #puts "Inst: $name
" } return $inst_pkgs } proc {pkg upgr} {} { #webif - 0.5.3 - 0.5.7 set upgr_pkgs {} foreach pkg [split [exec /bin/opkg list-upgradable] "\n"] { if {[regexp {^([^ ]+)} $pkg name] == 0} { continue } lappend upgr_pkgs $name #puts "Upgr: $name
" } return $upgr_pkgs } proc {pkg loadmeta} {} { if {[llength $::pkgmeta]} { return } if {![file exists "/mod/var/pkg.meta"]} { catch {pkg fetchmeta} } else { set meta [open "/mod/var/pkg.meta" r] set ::pkgmeta [read $meta] $meta close } } proc {pkg loaddiagmeta} {} { if {[llength $::diagmeta]} { return } if {![file exists "/mod/var/diag.meta"]} { catch {pkg fetchdiagmeta} } else { set meta [open "/mod/var/diag.meta" r] set ::diagmeta [read $meta] $meta close } } proc {pkg fetchmeta} {} { set f [socket stream hummypkg.org.uk:80] $f puts -nonewline "GET /hdrfoxt2/pkg.meta HTTP/1.1\r\n" $f puts -nonewline "Host: hummypkg.org.uk\r\n" $f puts -nonewline "Connection: close\r\n" $f puts -nonewline "\r\n" set line [string trim [$f gets]] while {[string length $line]} { set line [string trim [$f gets]] } set ::pkgmeta [$f read] $f close set ff [open "/mod/var/pkg.meta" w] puts $ff $::pkgmeta $ff close } proc {pkg fetchdiagmeta} {} { set f [socket stream hummypkg.org.uk:80] $f puts -nonewline "GET /diag/diag.meta HTTP/1.1\r\n" $f puts -nonewline "Host: hummypkg.org.uk\r\n" $f puts -nonewline "Connection: close\r\n" $f puts -nonewline "\r\n" set line [string trim [$f gets]] while {[string length $line]} { set line [string trim [$f gets]] } set ::diagmeta [$f read] $f close set ff [open "/mod/var/diag.meta" w] puts $ff $::diagmeta $ff close }