fmtrsv - format rsv entries

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Bob Buxton 2020-04-08 16:43:23 +01:00
parent ffd5670962
commit cefbb62994
1 changed files with 320 additions and 0 deletions

webif/plugin/schedchk/fmtrsv.jim Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
# "fmtrsv = Format content of rsv.db schedule entries"
# author MymsMan based on webif functions by af123
source /mod/webif/lib/setup
require rsv.class epg.class system.class
set ::loglevel 0
proc log {msg {level 1}} {
if {$level > $::loglevel} return
puts $::logfd "[\
clock format [clock seconds] -format "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"\
] SC([pid])- $msg"
flush $::logfd
# Parse command options and apply defaults
proc checkopts {argv} {
set settings [settings]
set parmerror 0
# List of options with default values
set optarray {
d 0
debug 0
# Override default from settings DB
foreach {key defvalue} [array get optarray] {
set ::opts($key) [$settings _nval_setting "fmtrsv_$key"]
if {$::opts($key)==0} {set ::opts($key) $defvalue}
# Handle text setting for oher options
set otheropts [$settings _tval_setting "fmtrsv_otheropts"]
if {$otheropts == 0} {set otheropts ""}
set otheropts ""
# Parse argument lists
foreach argl [list $otheropts $argv] {
set ::optlist ""
log "arg list $argl" 2
for {set ix 0} {$ix < [llength $argl]} {incr ix} {
set arg [lindex $argl $ix]
#check if option in optarray list
if {[string range $arg 0 0] == "-"} {
set argx [string tolower [string range $arg 1 end]]
if {[dict exists $optarray $argx]} {
incr ix
set val [lindex $argl $ix]
set nval $val
if {$val eq "y"} {set nval 1}
if {$val eq "n"} {set nval 0}
if {![string is double -strict $nval]} {
if {[string length $nval] == 0 ||
[string range $nval 0 0] == "-"} {
# Value omitted assume true
set nval 1
set val "y"
incr ix -1
} else {
log "Option $arg value ($val) is not y, n or numeric" 0
incr ix -1
set parmerror 1
lappend ::optlist $arg
lappend ::optlist $val
set ::opts($argx) $nval
# check other options
switch -- $arg {
-fmt -
--help -
-h {
set ::opt $arg
-s -
-slot {
set ::opt $arg
incr ix
set find [lindex $argl $ix]
append ::select "ulslot = $find "
-l -
-lcn {
set ::opt $arg
incr ix
set find [lindex $argl $ix]
append ::select "usLcn = $find "
-n -
-name {
set ::opt $arg
incr ix
set find [lindex $argl $ix]
append ::select "szevtname like '%$find%' "
-c -
-cname {
set ::opt $arg
incr ix
set find [lindex $argl $ix]
append ::select "szSvcName like '%$find%' "
default {
log "Unrecognized option: $arg" 0
set parmerror 1
if {$::opts(debug) || $::opts(d)} {
set ll $::loglevel
if {$::opts(debug) > $ll} {set ll $::opts(debug)}
if {$::opts(d) > $ll} {set ll $::opts(d)}
set ::debug 1
set ::loglevel $ll
set ::auto::loglevel $ll
if {$parmerror} {
log "Parameter errors found"
proc svcmap {} {
# establish rsv <-> epg service_id mapping
global svcmap svcdef
set svcmap {}
set svcdef {}
set svcdef(0) 0
lmap i \
[$::channeldb query {select hSvc, usSvcid, eVideoType from TBL_SVC}] \
set svcmap([lindex $i 1]) [lindex $i 3]
set svcdef([lindex $i 1]) [lindex $i 5]
set svckeys [array names svcmap]
proc conflict-list {} {
global conflicts
if {$::opts(noconflict)} {
log "-noconflict Bypassing automatic conflict resolution"
set conflicts {}
set conflicts [rsv newconflicts [system tuners] "xlist"]
if {[llength $conflicts] > 1} {
log "++++ [llength $conflicts] Conflicts exist +++" 1
log "$conflicts" 2
proc rsvscan {} {
global svcmap conflicts svcdef
if {$::select != ""} {set ::select "where $::select"}
set resvs [rsv list TBL_RESERVATION $::select]
# for each reservation
foreach resv $resvs {
set name [$resv name]
#set def $svcdef([$resv get hsvc])
set s [$resv start]
set ds "[clock format $s -format {%a %d %b %Y %H:%M}]"
set d [$resv get nduration]
set e $($s + $d)
set now [clock seconds]
lassign [$resv padded 1] sp ep
# Ignore manual recordings & reminders
#if {[$resv get ersvtype] != 3} { continue}
# Has event passed
if {$now > $e + $ep} {
set ended 1
incr num_ended
} else {
set ended 0
set ulslot [$resv get ulslot ]
set ersvtype [$resv get ersvtype ]
set hsvc [$resv get hsvc ]
set nsttime [$resv get nsttime ]
set szsttime [$resv get szsttime ]
set nduration [$resv get nduration ]
set erepeat [$resv get erepeat ]
set usevtid [$resv get usevtid ]
set szevtname [$resv get szevtname ]
set ulPreOffset [$resv get ulPreOffset ]
set ulPostOffset [$resv get ulPostOffset ]
set ulProgramId [$resv get ulProgramId ]
set ulSeriesId [$resv get ulSeriesId ]
set ucVolume [$resv get ucVolume ]
set ucInputMode [$resv get ucInputMode ]
set usChNum [$resv get usChNum ]
set ucRecKind [$resv get ucRecKind ]
set ucCRIDType [$resv get ucCRIDType ]
set szCRID [$resv get szCRID ]
set szFPBRecPath [$resv get szFPBRecPath ]
set szRecordedProgCrid [$resv get szRecordedProgCrid ]
set szEventToRecord [$resv get szEventToRecord ]
set aulEventToRecordInfo [$resv get aulEventToRecordInfo]
set bRecomRsv [$resv get bRecomRsv ]
set usLastRecordedEvtId [$resv get usLastRecordedEvtId ]
set eReady [$resv get eReady ]
set szSvcName [$resv get szSvcName ]
set usLcn [$resv get usLcn ]
set auls [$resv aul]
puts "ulslot = $ulslot "
puts "ersvtype = $ersvtype "
puts "hsvc = $hsvc "
puts "nsttime = $nsttime [clock format $nsttime -format "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"]"
puts "szsttime = $szsttime "
puts "nduration = $nduration [clock format $nduration -format "%H:%M"]"
puts "erepeat = $erepeat "
puts "usevtid = $usevtid "
puts "szevtname = $szevtname ($name) "
puts "ulPreOffset = $ulPreOffset "
puts "ulPostOffset = $ulPostOffset "
puts "ulProgramId = $ulProgramId "
puts "ulSeriesId = $ulSeriesId "
puts "ucVolume = $ucVolume "
puts "ucInputMode = $ucInputMode "
puts "usChNum = $usChNum "
puts "ucRecKind = $ucRecKind "
puts "ucCRIDType = $ucCRIDType "
puts "szCRID = $szCRID "
puts "szFPBRecPath = $szFPBRecPath "
puts "szRecordedProgCrid = $szRecordedProgCrid "
puts "szEventToRecord = $szEventToRecord "
puts "aulEventToRecordInfo = $auls"
puts "bRecomRsv = $bRecomRsv "
puts "usLastRecordedEvtId = $usLastRecordedEvtId "
puts "eReady = $eReady "
puts "szSvcName = $szSvcName "
puts "usLcn = $usLcn "
set ecrids [split $szEventToRecord "|"]
set enum -1
puts "Svcid Start End Evtid CRID"
foreach aul $auls {
lassign $aul service_id start end event_id
incr enum
set ecrid [lindex $ecrids $enum]
puts "$service_id \
$start [clock format $start -format "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"] \
$end [clock format $end -format "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"] \
$event_id \
puts "========================================================"
epg cleanup
# Start of mainline
set ::optlist ""
set ::opt "-fmt"
set ::debug 0
set logfd stdout
set ::loglevel 0
set ::opts {}
set ::select ""
# validate parameters
checkopts $argv
# process command
switch -- $::opt {
-fmt { # "Format the recording schedule"
-h -
--help -
default { # Help
puts "fmtrsv = Check for recording schedule issues and attempt to fix them"
puts " "
puts "fmtrsv -h = produce this help"
puts "fmtrsv -fmt = format the recording schedule"
puts ""
puts "Options "
#puts "-d 0 = produce detailed debug on Stdout (0, 1, 2) "
puts "-n,-name xxx = select recording name contains"
puts "-s,-slot n = select slot"
puts "-l,-lcn n = select channel number"
puts "-c,-cname xxx = select channel name contains"