Handle gaps in epg and scrid suffixes

This commit is contained in:
Bob Buxton 2020-06-15 20:10:14 +01:00
parent 97c7c9830d
commit 8e556b19cf
2 changed files with 63 additions and 50 deletions

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@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
Package: schedchk
Priority: optional
Section: misc
Version: 0.1.0-0
Version: 0.1.1
Architecture: mipsel
Maintainer: mymsman
Depends: webif(>=1.4.8-2)
Depends: webif(>=1.4.8-3)
Description: Check scheduled recordings against EPG and reschedule, if possible, entries that don't match the EPG
or cause conflicts

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@ -537,55 +537,67 @@ proc chkEpisode {resv epsd ecrid} {
# look for an alternate showing
set others [epg dbfetch dump -crid $epgcrid -sort "start" ]
if {$others == {}} {
# No luck by crid, try for same name/time/channel
set others [epg dbfetch dump -term [strip_new $name] -service $svc -time "$(($start+$end)/2)" -sort "start" -debug 1 ]
#puts $others
set other [findAlternate $resv $others $start $def 1]
if {$other != ""} {
set ostart [$other get start]
set odur [$other get duration]
set oend $($ostart+$odur)
set oname [$other get name]
set ocname [$other get channel_name]
set dother "[clock format $ostart -format {%d/%m/%y %H:%M}] [clock format $odur -format {%H:%M}] === $oname === $ocname"
# attempt to schedule the alternate (inplace)
if {!$::opts(noinplace)} {
if {[$other scheduled]} {
log "Alternate already scheduled "$deps--->$dother" 1
set other {}
update_event $resv $other $epsd "$deps--->$dother" "Event Changed"
# attempt to schedule the alternate (new event+skip)
if {[schedule $other $dother "Event Changed"]} {
if {![$resv isseries]} {
# delete single recording
cancel $resv $deps "Event Changed"
} else {
# move crid from scheduled to recorded
replaceskip $resv $ecrid $deps "Event Changed"
#refresh $resv $deps
# Check what is currently scheduled for that time
# If nothing, hole in epg data, dont look to reschedule
set showingnow [epg dbfetch dump -service $svc -time "$(($start+$end)/2)" -sort "start" -debug 0 ]
if {$showingnow == {}} {
log "+++ Nothing in epg forhis time +++ $deps" 1
} else {
# is it a duplicate entry for the sametime and channel?
foreach aul [$resv aul] {
if {$epsd == $aul} {continue}
lassign $aul aservice_id astart aend aevent_id
if {$service_id == $aservice_id
&& $start == $aevent_id} {
update_event $resv 0 $epsd "$deps" "Duplicate Event"
foreach snow $showingnow {
set sname [$snow get name]
log "Now scheduled: $sname " 1
if {[string first [strip_new $name] $sname] >= 0
&& ![$snow scheduled]} {
ladd others $snow
#puts $others
set other [findAlternate $resv $others $start $def 1]
if {$other != ""} {
set ostart [$other get start]
set odur [$other get duration]
set oend $($ostart+$odur)
set oname [$other get name]
set ocname [$other get channel_name]
set dother "[clock format $ostart -format {%d/%m/%y %H:%M}] [clock format $odur -format {%H:%M}] === $oname === $ocname"
# attempt to schedule the alternate (inplace)
if {!$::opts(noinplace)} {
if {[$other scheduled]} {
log "Alternate already scheduled "$deps--->$dother" 1
set other {}
update_event $resv $other $epsd "$deps--->$dother" "Event Changed"
# attempt to schedule the alternate (new event+skip)
if {[schedule $other $dother "Event Changed"]} {
if {![$resv isseries]} {
# delete single recording
cancel $resv $deps "Event Changed"
} else {
# move crid from scheduled to recorded
replaceskip $resv $ecrid $deps "Event Changed"
#refresh $resv $deps
} else {
# is it a duplicate entry for the sametime and channel?
foreach aul [$resv aul] {
if {$epsd == $aul} {continue}
lassign $aul aservice_id astart aend aevent_id
if {$service_id == $aservice_id
&& $start == $astart} {
update_event $resv 0 $epsd "$deps" "Duplicate Event"
} else {
@ -771,6 +783,7 @@ proc scrid_chg {resv desc lasttime} {
set oend $($ostart+$odur)
set oname [$other get name]
set ocname [$other get channel_name]
set occrid [$other get channel_crid]
set oscrid [$other get series_crid]
set oecrid [$other get event_crid]
set dother "[clock format $ostart -format {%d/%m/%y %H:%M}] [clock format $odur -format {%H:%M}] === $oname === $ocname"
@ -786,9 +799,9 @@ proc scrid_chg {resv desc lasttime} {
log "-noSCRID - Not applying SCRID change" 2
if {[string first [string toupper $oscrid] $scrid] >= 0} {
if {[string equal -nocase "$occrid$oscrid" $scrid]} {
# found episode of current series
log "Current series - $dother" 2
log "Current series - $dother" 1
if {[$other scheduled]} {