
267 lines
11 KiB

// Column Definitions for File List table
{ name:"id", key:true, width: 250, hidden:true},
{ name: "sel", label: '<input type="checkbox" id="chkbox" value="Yes" selected=true onclick="selAll(event)" /> Sel',
hidden:false, width: 20, sortable:false, search: false,
formatter: fmtCheckbox,
{ name: "fname", label: "File Name", hidden: false,
width: 300, sorttype: "text",
searchoptions: {sopt: ["cn", "bw", "ew"],searchOperMenu: true},
formatter: fmtfname
{ name:'opt', label: "Opt+",
hidden:false, width:47, sortable:false, search: false,
formatter: fmtOpt
{ name: "dir", label: "Directory path", hidden: true,
width: 250, sorttype: "text",
searchoptions: {sopt: ["cn", "bw", "ew"]},
{ name: "title", label: "Title", hidden: true,
width: 250, sorttype: "text",
searchoptions: {sopt: ["cn", "bw", "ew"]},
{ name: "synopsis", label: "Synopsis", hidden: true,
width: 250, sorttype: "text",
searchoptions: {sopt: ["cn", "bw", "ew"]},
{ name: "channel_name", label: "Channel name", hidden: false,
width: 22, sorttype: "text",
searchoptions: {sopt: ["cn", "bw", "ew"], searchOperMenu: false, clearSearch: false},
formatter: fmtChannel
{ name: "channel_num", label: "Channel number", hidden: true,
width: 30, sorttype: "number",
searchoptions: {sopt: ["eq", "lt", "gt"], searchOperMenu: false, clearSearch: false},
{ name: "start", label: "Start time", width: 90, hidden: false,
align: "right", sorttype: "date",
formatter: "date",
formatoptions: {srcformat:"U" ,newformat: fvConfig.datetimefmt},
searchoptions: {sopt: ["lt", "gt"], clearSearch: false,
// dataInit is the client-side event that fires upon initializing the toolbar search field for a column
// use it to place a third party control to customize the toolbar
dataInit: function (element) {
id: 'start_datePicker',
dateFormat: fvConfig.datefmt,
showOn: 'focus'
{ name: "duration", label: "Duration", width: 50, hidden: false,
align: "right", sorttype: "date",
formatter: "date",
formatoptions: {srcformat:"U" ,newformat: fvConfig.timefmt},
searchoptions: {sopt: ["lt", "gt"], clearSearch: false},
{ name: "end", label: "End Time", width: 90, hidden: true,
align: "right", sorttype: "date",
formatter: "date",
formatoptions: {srcformat:"U" ,newformat: fvConfig.datetimefmt},
searchoptions: {sopt: ["lt", "gt"], clearSearch: false,
// dataInit is the client-side event that fires upon initializing the toolbar search field for a column
// use it to place a third party control to customize the toolbar
dataInit: function (element) {
id: 'end_datePicker',
dateFormat: fvConfig.datefmt,
showOn: 'focus'
{ name: "schedstart", label: "Scheduled Start time", width: 90, hidden: true,
align: "right", sorttype: "date",
formatter: "date",
formatoptions: {srcformat:"U" ,newformat: fvConfig.datetimefmt},
searchoptions: {sopt: ["lt", "gt"], clearSearch: false,
// dataInit is the client-side event that fires upon initializing the toolbar search field for a column
// use it to place a third party control to customize the toolbar
dataInit: function (element) {
id: 'schstart_datePicker',
dateFormat: fvConfig.datefmt,
showOn: 'focus'
{ name: "scheddur", label: "Scheduled Duration", width: 50, hidden: true,
align: "right", sorttype: "date",
formatter: "date",
formatoptions: {srcformat:"U" ,newformat: fvConfig.timefmt},
searchoptions: {sopt: ["lt", "gt"], clearSearch: false},
{ name: "resume", label: "Resume point", width: 50, hidden: true,
align: "right", sorttype: "date",
formatter: "date",
formatoptions: {srcformat:"U" ,newformat: fvConfig.timefmt},
searchoptions: {sopt: ["lt", "gt"], clearSearch: false},
{ name: "psize", label: "Size", width: 70, hidden: false,
align: "right", sorttype: "number", index: "fsize" ,
searchoptions: {sopt: ["lt", "gt"], clearSearch: false},
{ name: "fsize", label: "unformatted Size", hidden: true,
width: 70,
searchoptions: {sopt: ["lt", "gt"], clearSearch: false},
align: "right", sorttype: "number"
{ name: "bookmarks", label: icons.bookmark +" Bookmark count", hidden: false,
width: 35,
searchoptions: {sopt: ["gt", "lt", "eq"], clearSearch: false},
align: "right", sorttype: "number"
{ name: "seriesnum", label: "Series number", hidden: true,
width: 22,
searchoptions: {sopt: ["gt", "lt", "eq"], clearSearch: false},
align: "right", sorttype: "number"
{ name: "episodenum", label: "Episode number", hidden: true,
width: 22,
searchoptions: {sopt: ["gt", "lt", "eq"], clearSearch: false},
align: "right", sorttype: "number"
{ name: "episodetot", label: "Episode total", hidden: true,
width: 22,
searchoptions: {sopt: ["gt", "lt", "eq"], clearSearch: false},
align: "right", sorttype: "number"
{ name: "showrow", label: "show row", hidden: true,
width: 50, align: "right",
searchoptions: {sopt: ["eq"], defaultValue: "true", searchhidden: true, searchOperMenu: false, clearSearch: false},
{ name: "status", label: "Status", hidden: false,
width: 70, align: "right",
searchoptions: {sopt: ["cn", "bw", "eq"], searchhidden: true, searchOperMenu: false, clearSearch: false},
{ name: "definition", label: "Def", hidden: false,
width: 24, sorttype: "text",
stype: 'select',
searchoptions: {sopt: ["cn"],value: {"HD":icons.HD+'HD',"SD":icons.SD+'SD','':"-&nbsp;&nbsp; All"}, searchOperMenu: false, clearSearch: false},
formatter: 'select', editoptions: {value: {"HD":icons.HD,"SD":icons.SD,'':"Unknown"}},
{ name: "genre", label: "Genre", hidden: false,
width: 24, sorttype: "mumber",
stype: 'select',
searchoptions: {sopt: ["eq"],value: genrelist, searchOperMenu: false, clearSearch: false},
formatter: 'select', editoptions: {value: genrelist},
{ name:'flags_list', label: "Flags", hidden: true,
searchoptions: {sopt: ["cn"], searchOperMenu: false, clearSearch: false},
{ name: "guidance", label: icons.guidance +" Guidance text", hidden: false,
width: 22, sorttype: "text",
searchoptions: {sopt: ["cn", "bw", "ew"], searchOperMenu: false, clearSearch: false},
formatter: fmtGuidance
{ name:'Guidance', hidden: true,
label: icons.guidance + ' Guidance flag',
stype: 'select',
searchoptions: {value: {1:"Guidance",0:"No Guidance",'':"-&nbsp;&nbsp; All"}, searchOperMenu: false, clearSearch: false},
formatter: fmtIcon, formatoptions: {img: icons.guidance}
{ name:'GGuidance', hidden: true,
label: icons.Gguidance + ' General Guidance',
stype: 'select',
searchoptions: {value: {1:"Guidance",0:"No Guidance",'':"-&nbsp;&nbsp; All"}, searchOperMenu: false, clearSearch: false},
formatter: fmtIcon, formatoptions: {img: icons.Gguidance}
{ name:'inuse', hidden: false,
label: icons.inuse + ' In use',
stype: 'select',
searchoptions: {value: {1:"In use",0:"Not in use",'':"-&nbsp;&nbsp; All"}, searchOperMenu: false, clearSearch: false},
formatter: fmtIcon, formatoptions: {img: icons.inuse}
{ name:'New', hidden: false,
label: icons.new + ' New',
stype: 'select',
searchoptions: {value: {1:"New",0:"Not New",'':"-&nbsp;&nbsp; All"}, searchOperMenu: false, clearSearch: false},
formatter: fmtIcon, formatoptions: {img: icons.new}
{ name:'ODEncrypted', hidden: true,
label: icons.ODE + ' On Disk Encrypted',
stype: 'select',
searchoptions: {value: {1:"On Disk Encrypted",0:"Not On Disk Encrypted",'':"-&nbsp;&nbsp; All"}, searchOperMenu: false, clearSearch: false},
formatter: fmtIcon, formatoptions: {img: icons.ODE}
{ name:'Decrypted', hidden: false,
label: icons.DEC + ' Decrypted',
stype: 'select',
searchoptions: {value: {1:"Decrypted",0:"Not Decrypted",'':"-&nbsp;&nbsp; All"}, searchOperMenu: false, clearSearch: false},
formatter: fmtIcon, formatoptions: {img: icons.DEC}
{ name:'Encrypted', hidden: false,
label: icons.ENC + ' Encrypted (Protected)',
stype: 'select',
searchoptions: {value: {1:"Encrypted",0:"Not Encrypted",'':"-&nbsp;&nbsp; All"}, searchOperMenu: false, clearSearch: false},
formatter: fmtIcon, formatoptions: {img: icons.ENC}
{ name:'Radio', hidden: false,
label: icons.Radio + ' Radio',
stype: 'select',
searchoptions: {value: {1:"Radio",0:"Not Radio",'':"-&nbsp;&nbsp; All"}, searchOperMenu: false, clearSearch: false},
formatter: fmtIcon, formatoptions: {img: icons.Radio}
{ name:'Locked', hidden: false,
label: icons.Locked + ' Locked',
stype: 'select',
searchoptions: {value: {1:"Locked",0:"Not Locked",'':"-&nbsp;&nbsp; All"}, searchOperMenu: false, clearSearch: false},
formatter: fmtIcon, formatoptions: {img: icons.Locked}
{ name:'Shrunk', hidden: false,
label: icons.Shrunk + ' Shrunk',
stype: 'select',
searchoptions: {value: {1:"Shrunk",0:"Not Shrunk",'':"-&nbsp;&nbsp; All"}, searchOperMenu: false, clearSearch: false},
formatter: fmtIcon, formatoptions: {img: icons.Shrunk}
{ name:'Deduped', hidden: false,
label: icons.Deduped + ' De-duped',
stype: 'select',
searchoptions: {value: {1:"De-duped",0:"Not De-duped",'':"-&nbsp;&nbsp; All"}, searchOperMenu: false, clearSearch: false},
formatter: fmtIcon, formatoptions: {img: icons.Deduped}
{ name:'thmok', hidden: true,
label: icons.thumb + ' Thumbnail exists',
stype: 'select',
searchoptions: {value: {1:"Thumbnail",0:"No Thumbnail",'':"-&nbsp;&nbsp; All"}, searchOperMenu: false, clearSearch: false},
formatter: fmtIcon, formatoptions: {img: icons.thumb}
{ name:'thmimg', hidden: true,
label: icons.thumb + ' Thumbnail image',
stype: 'select', index: 'thmok',
searchoptions: {value: {1:"Thumbnail",0:"No Thumbnail",'':"-&nbsp;&nbsp; All"}, searchOperMenu: false, clearSearch: false},
formatter: fmtThumbnail,
{ name:'dlna',
label: icons.DLNA + ' DLNA indexed',
hidden: false,
stype: 'select',
searchoptions: {value: {1:"DLNA",0:"No DLNA",'':"-&nbsp;&nbsp; All"}, searchOperMenu: false, clearSearch: false},
formatter: fmtIcon, formatoptions: {img: icons.DLNA}
{ name:'dlnaIndex',
label: icons.DLNA + ' DLNA index',
hidden: true,
formatter: "link"