
180 lines
5.9 KiB

# Add channel exclusion list and Crop - mymsman 150331
# Add Detect whilst recording - mymsman 150721
#source /mod/webif/lib/setup
#require settings.class
#set settings [settings]
source /mod/webif/plugin/detectads/timelist.jim
set ::detectads::auto [$settings _nval_setting "detectads_auto"]
set ::detectads::crop [$settings _nval_setting "detectads_crop"]
set ::detectads::detwrec [$settings _nval_setting "detectads_detwrec"]
set ::detectads::bmend [$settings _nval_setting "detectads_bmend"]
set ::detectads::delorig [$settings _nval_setting "detectads_delorig"]
set ::detectads::tgtchoice [$settings _nval_setting "detectads_tgtchoice"]
set ::detectads::tgtpath [$settings _tval_setting "detectads_tgtpath"]
if {$::detectads::tgtpath == 0} {set ::detectads::tgtpath ""}
set ::detectads::queue_time [$settings _tval_setting "detectads_queue_time"]
set ::detectads::cpulimit [$settings _nval_setting "detectads_cpulimit"]
set ::detectads::otheropts [$settings _tval_setting "detectads_otheropts"]
if {$::detectads::otheropts == 0} {set ::detectads::otheropts ""}
puts "
<fieldset style=\"display: inline\">
<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"/plugin/detectads/img/detectads.png\" alt=\"DetectAds icon\"/> Detect Advert Breaks</a>
<p>See <b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">DetectAds user guide</a></b> for help</p>
<form class=auto id=detectads method=get
puts "
<th class=key>Automatically process whilst
recording in progress? (chaserun)
<td><input id=detectads_detwrec name=detectads_auto
type=radio value=detwrec"
if {$::detectads::detwrec} { puts -nonewline " checked" }
puts ">
puts "
<th class=key>Automatically process recording following
auto-decryption? (traditional)
<td><input id=detectads_auto name=detectads_auto
type=radio value=auto"
if {$::detectads::auto} { puts -nonewline " checked" }
puts ">
<th class=key>Folder flag, Sweeper or No automatic processing of recordings
<td><input id=detectads_noauto name=detectads_auto
type=radio value=noauto"
if {!$::detectads::auto && !$::detectads::detwrec} { puts -nonewline " checked" }
puts ">
puts "
<!-- Channel exclusion based on ChannelDel package
<th class=key>Exclude channels from automatic processing
<td><button id=detectads_excl type=button>Edit list</button>
puts "
<tr id=detectads_queuestart >
<th class=key>Start processing recording queue
<td class=key>
<select id=detectads_queue_time name=detectads_queue_time
class=\"ui-widget-content ui-corner-all\" >"
timelist $::detectads::queue_time
puts " </select>
puts "
<th class=key>Only Bookmark ends of ad breaks?
<td><input id=detectads_bmend name=detectads_bmend
type=checkbox value=yes"
if {$::detectads::bmend} { puts -nonewline " checked" }
puts ">
puts "
<th class=key>Crop recording following ad detection?
<td><input id=detectads_crop name=detectads_crop
type=checkbox value=yes"
if {$::detectads::crop} { puts -nonewline " checked" }
puts ">
puts "
<tr class=dahide>
<th class=key>Delete (move to bin) original recording after processing?
<td><input id=detectads_delorig name=detectads_delorig
type=checkbox value=yes"
if {$::detectads::delorig} { puts -nonewline " checked" }
puts ">
puts "
<tr id=detectads_tgtchoice class=dahide>
<th class=key>Write output recording to folder
<td><input name=detectads_tgtchoice
type=radio value=1"
if {$::detectads::tgtchoice eq 1} { puts -nonewline " checked" }
puts "> Same as input
<td><input name=detectads_tgtchoice
type=radio value=2"
if {$::detectads::tgtchoice eq 2} { puts -nonewline " checked" }
puts "> [system mediaroot]
<td><input name=detectads_tgtchoice id=detectads_tgtother
type=radio value=3"
if {$::detectads::tgtchoice eq 3} { puts -nonewline " checked" }
puts "> Other
<td><input id=detectads_tgtpath name=detectads_tgtpath
class=\"ui-widget-content ui-corner-all\"
type=text size=60 value=\"$::detectads::tgtpath\">
# cpulimit if program exists
if {[file exists /mod/bin/cpulimit]} {
puts "
<tr id=detectads_tgtchoice class=dahide>
<th class=key>Limit cpu usage to
<td><input id=detectads_cpulimit name=detectads_cpulimit
class=\"ui-widget-content ui-corner-all\"
type=number value=\"$::detectads::cpulimit\" min=0 max=99 style=\"width: 3em\"> %
<td>(0 for nolimit)
puts "
<th class=key><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Other options</a>
<td colspan=4><input id=detectads_otheropts name=detectads_otheropts
class=\"ui-widget-content ui-corner-all\"
type=text size=100 value=\"$::detectads::otheropts\">
puts "
<td colspan=2><input type=submit value=\"Update settings\">
<div id=detectads_output></div>
puts {
<!-- Channel exclusion based on ChannelDel package
$('#detectads_excl').button().click(function() {
window.location.href = '/plugin/detectads/settings.jim';