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master ... V3

6 changed files with 97 additions and 70 deletions

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@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
Package: detectads
Priority: optional
Section: misc
Version: 0.3.0
Version: 0.3.0-1
Architecture: mipsel
Maintainer: mymsman (Created by njm)
Depends: webif(>=1.4.0), chaseget(>=0.1.2-1), nicesplice(>=1.7), ffmpeg, libsndfile (>=1.0.25-2), procps,stripts(>=1.4.5)
Depends: webif(>=1.4.0), chaseget(>=0.1.3), nicesplice(>=1.7), ffmpeg, libsndfile (>=1.0.25-2), procps,stripts(>=1.4.5)
Description: Automatically detects adverts
and inserts bookmarks or deletes adverts. Can run whilst recording is still in progress

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
## nothing to do
## Set link
ln -f /mod/webif/plugin/detectads/detectads /mod/bin/detectads
exit 0

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
# nothing to do
# remove program links
rm /mod/bin/detectads
exit 0

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Override options must be specified on the first line of this file above
Option Default (unless changed in Settings)
-d n = produce detailed debug output
-d 0 = produce detailed debug output (0, 1, 2)
-t 0 = target start time hh:mm or linux time value
-crop n = Crop ad breaks from recording y|n
-bmEnd n = Only bookmark end of ad breaks y|n
@ -22,4 +22,4 @@ Option Default (unless changed in Settings)
-padSec 0 = Adjust ends of ad breaks by n seconds
-makeThm n = Make thumbnail if it doesn't already exist
-thmOffset 0 = Thumbnail offset from detected programme start
-dirDecrypt n = Use software decryption
-dirDecrypt n = Use software decryption (y on HD)

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ set file ""
set debug 0
set time 0
set ts "No file"
set ::logfd stdout
set ::loglevel 0
@ -25,18 +26,13 @@ if {[info exists ::auto::logfile]} {
} else {
set logfile "/mod/tmp/detectads.log"
if {$debug} {
set loglevel 2
if {![info exists ::auto::logfd]} {
set logfd stdout
puts "DEBUG ON"
} else {
# Use same logging option as auto log - mymsman 150515
set settings [settings]
set loglevel [$settings _nval_setting "autolog"]
if {![info exists ::auto::logfd]} {
if {$debug} {
set logfd stdout
puts "DEBUG ON level $::loglevel"
} else {
set logfd [open $logfile "a+"]
# process command
@ -82,7 +78,7 @@ switch -- $opt {
puts "detectads -rs recording = reset ad-detection flag and bookmarks"
puts ""
puts "Option Default (unless changed in Settings) "
puts "-d n = produce detailed debug on Stdout "
puts "-d 0 = produce detailed debug on Stdout (0, 1, 2) "
puts "-t 0 = -aq only, target start time hh:mm or linux time value"
puts "-force n = -aq only, don't check if DetectAds flag set"
puts "-crop n = Crop ad breaks from recording y|n"
@ -104,7 +100,7 @@ switch -- $opt {
puts "-padSec 0 = Adjust ends of ad breaks by n seconds"
puts "-makeThm n = Make thumbnail if it doesn't already exist"
puts "-thmOffset 0 = Thumbnail offset from programme start"
puts "-dirDecrypt n = Use software decryption"
puts "-dirDecrypt n = Use software decryption (y on HD)"

View File

@ -12,18 +12,19 @@ proc ::detectads::delete_entry_queue_db {ts} {
return [{queue delete} $ts detectads]
proc ::detectads::delete_orphans {} {
if {![catch {exec /mod/bin/pgrep -x chaseget }]} {return}
#delete ophans that haven't been modified in an hour or are for the current recording
proc ::detectads::delete_orphans {file} {
#if {![catch {exec /mod/bin/pgrep -x chaseget }]} {return}
set bname [file rootname [file tail $file]]
set fl [glob -nocomplain "/mod/tmp/*-inp.ts" "/mod/tmp/*-dec.ts"]
log "orphan file list $fl" 2
foreach file $fl {
if {![system inuse $file]} {
set bname [file rootname $file]
file delete -force $bname.hmt
file delete -force $bname.nts
file delete -force $bname.thm
file delete -force $file
log "Deleted orphan file $file"
foreach f $fl {
set fname [file tail [string range $f 0 end-7]]
log "$bname $fname [clock format [file mtime $f]]" 2
if {[file mtime $f]+3600 < [clock seconds]
|| $bname == $fname} {
safedel $f "/orphans"
@ -40,8 +41,9 @@ proc ::detectads::checkopts {argv} {
set settings [settings]
set ::autologlevel [$settings _nval_setting "autolog"]
if {![info exists ::auto::logfd]} {
set logfd ::auto::logfd
set ::loglevel $::autologlevel
if {[info exists ::auto::logfd]} {
set logfd ::auto::logfd
# List of options with default values
@ -69,6 +71,9 @@ proc ::detectads::checkopts {argv} {
makethm 0
thmoffset 0}
# dirDecrypt default on HD
if {[system model] eq "HD"} {set ::opts(dirdecrypt) 1]}
# Override default from settings DB
foreach {key defvalue} [array get optarray] {
set ::opts($key) [$settings _nval_setting "detectads_$key"]
@ -167,7 +172,6 @@ proc ::detectads::checkopts {argv} {
} else {
log "Cannot process ($file) file does not exist" 0
#puts "Cannot process ($file) file does not exist"
set parmerror 1
@ -189,9 +193,12 @@ proc ::detectads::checkopts {argv} {
if {$::opts(debug) || $::opts(d)} {
set ll $::loglevel
if {$::opts(debug) > $ll} {set ll $::opts(debug)}
if {$::opts(d) > $ll} {set ll $::opts(d)}
set ::debug 1
set ::loglevel 2
set ::auto::loglevel 2
set ::loglevel $ll
set ::auto::loglevel $ll
if {$parmerror} {
@ -270,7 +277,7 @@ proc ::detectads::chancheck {ts} {
if {[$ts flag "ODEncrypted"]} {
set cmd [list /mod/webif/plugin/detectads/detectads -pr "$file"]
append cmd $opts
exec {*}$cmd >@$::logfd &
exec {*}$cmd >@$::logfd 2>@$::logfd &
log " DETECTADS: Started $file for chaserun advert detection" 0
} else {
set queue_time [$settings _tval_setting "detectads_queue_time"]
@ -524,6 +531,12 @@ proc ::detectads::run {ts} {
set base [file rootname $rfile]
set shname [file tail $base]
set cfile "$tgtpath/$shname-crop.ts"
# Check if old crop exists
if {[file exists $cfile]} {
safedel $cfile "/orphans" 0
# Check if thumbnail exists
if {[file exists "$bpath/$bname.thm"]} {
@ -550,15 +563,12 @@ proc ::detectads::run {ts} {
log " crop time taken: $croptime [clock format $(round($croptime)) -format %T]" 1
if {$delorig && ![system inuse $file]} { # Delete original file no longer wanted
if {[safe_delete $file detectads]} {
log "$file deleted" 0
set cfile "$tgtpath/$shname-crop.ts"
if {[safedel $file]} {
if {![system inuse $cfile]} { # Rename crop file to original if not in use
ts renamegroup "$cfile" "$shname"
log "Renamed $cfile to $shname" 0
} else {
log "$file safe_delete failed" 0
} else {
set title [$ts get title]
set newtitle [concat $title "-Crop"]
@ -595,7 +605,7 @@ proc ::detectads::chaserun {ts {Qid 0} {retrynumb 0}} {
set cropcmd " "
# Check for and delete any oprhaned files
::detectads::delete_orphans $file
if {![acquire_lock $file]} {
log "Cannot acquire exclusive lock $file, terminating." 0
@ -696,13 +706,13 @@ proc ::detectads::chaserun {ts {Qid 0} {retrynumb 0}} {
log "starting" 2
# Create links to input in tmp for retrieval
file delete -force "$ipath/$iname.ts"
catch {file link -hard "$ipath/$iname.ts" "[file normalize [file rootname $file].ts]"}
file delete -force "$ipath/$iname.nts"
catch {file link -hard "$ipath/$iname.nts" "[file normalize [file rootname $file].nts]"}
file delete -force "$ipath/$iname.hmt"
catch {file link -hard "$ipath/$iname.hmt" "[file normalize [file rootname $file].hmt]"}
set its [ts fetch $ifile]
# file delete -force "$ipath/$iname.ts"
# catch {file link -hard "$ipath/$iname.ts" "[file normalize [file rootname $file].ts]"}
# file delete -force "$ipath/$iname.nts"
# catch {file link -hard "$ipath/$iname.nts" "[file normalize [file rootname $file].nts]"}
# file delete -force "$ipath/$iname.hmt"
# catch {file link -hard "$ipath/$iname.hmt" "[file normalize [file rootname $file].hmt]"}
# set its [ts fetch $ifile]
# Use link for .nts so updates are visble
@ -721,6 +731,10 @@ proc ::detectads::chaserun {ts {Qid 0} {retrynumb 0}} {
set_HMT_durn "$tpath/$tname" $stime 0
set ftime [clock format $stime -format "%Y%m%d%H%M.%S"]
# Check if old temp file exists
if {[file exists $tfile]} {
safedel $tfile "/orphans" 0
exec touch $tfile -t $ftime
set tts [ts fetch $tfile]
set tfilesize 0 ;# Silence/nsplice cant handle restart midway so force total file retrieval
@ -730,6 +744,10 @@ proc ::detectads::chaserun {ts {Qid 0} {retrynumb 0}} {
# title will be copied to output by nicesplice so we can change again after opening pipe
set newtitle [concat $title "-Crop"]
exec hmt "+settitle=${newtitle}" "$tpath/$tname.hmt"
# Check if old crop exists
if {[file exists $cfile]} {
safedel $cfile "/orphans" 0
#exec touch "$cpath/$cname.ts" -t $ftime
set cropInput [open "|\
/mod/webif/plugin/detectads/nsplice -in {$tpath/$tname} -out {$cpath/$cname} -stdin |\
@ -746,10 +764,10 @@ proc ::detectads::chaserun {ts {Qid 0} {retrynumb 0}} {
if {!$dirdecrypt} {
# Use chaseget for decryption
set decrypt "/mod/bin/chaseget {$ifile} $tfilesize"
set decrypt "/mod/bin/chaseget {$file} $tfilesize"
} else {
# Use stripts for decryption
set decrypt "/mod/bin/stripts -@@ -d -d {$ipath/$iname} - 2>@$::logfd"
set decrypt "/mod/bin/stripts -@@ {$file} - 2>@$::logfd"
set adDetectOutput [open "|\
@ -928,7 +946,7 @@ proc ::detectads::chaserun {ts {Qid 0} {retrynumb 0}} {
$tts setbookmarks $bookmarks
# Delete links to input from /mod/tmp
$its delete
#its delete
# Check that complete file has been retrieved & detected
set ts [ts fetch $file]
@ -991,48 +1009,40 @@ proc ::detectads::chaserun {ts {Qid 0} {retrynumb 0}} {
close $recording
if {$delorig && ![system inuse $file]} { # Delete original file no longer wanted
if {[safe_delete $file detectads]} {
log "$file deleted" 0
if {[safedel $file]} {
if {$crop} {
if {![system inuse $cfile]} { # Rename crop file to original if not in use
exec hmt "+settitle=$title" "$cpath/$cname.hmt"
ts renamegroup "$cfile" "$bname"
log "Renamed $cfile to $bname" 0
if {![system inuse $tfile]} { # Delete decrypt file no longer needed
$tts delete
log "$tfile deleted" 0
safedel $tfile "/decrypt"
} else {
if {![system inuse $tfile]} { # Rename decrypt file to original if not in use
exec hmt "+settitle=$title" "$tpath/$tname.hmt"
if {$tpath ne $tgtpath} { # Move to correct directory
$tts move $tgtpath
log "Moved $tfile to $tgtpath" 0
ts renamegroup "$tgtpath/$tname.ts" "$bname"
log "Renamed $tgtpath/$tname.ts to $bname" 0
} else {
log "$file safe_delete failed" 0
} else { # Keeping original, dont rename
if {$crop} {
if {![system inuse $tfile]} { # Delete decrypt file no longer needed
$tts delete
log "$tfile deleted" 0
safedel $tfile "/decrypt"
} else {
if {$tpath ne $tgtpath} { # Move decrypt to correct directory
$tts move $tgtpath
log "Moved $tfile to $tgtpath" 0
} else {
# Somethings amiss with file length, keep original and -crop, delete -dec
if {![system inuse $tfile]} { # Delete decrypt file no longer needed
$tts delete
log "$tfile deleted" 0
safedel $tfile "/decrypt"
exec hmt $dadflag "$bpath/$bname.hmt"
if {$crop} {
exec hmt "+settitle=$newtitle" "$cpath/$cname.hmt"
@ -1058,6 +1068,26 @@ proc ::detectads::chaserun {ts {Qid 0} {retrynumb 0}} {
return [list $retcode $retmsg $qtime]
# move file to dustbin if not is use (wait up to 5 seconds)
proc safedel {file {suffx ""} {wait 1} } {
set ct 0
while {$wait && [system inuse $file]} {
incr ct
if {$ct <5} {
log "Not deleted $file - inuse" 0
return 0
sleep 1
if {[safe_delete $file detectads$suffx]} {
log "$file safe deleted" 0
return 1
} else {
log "$file safe_delete failed" 0
return 0
proc set_HMT_durn {hmtfn start durn} {
# Update recording end & stored recording time in hmt file
exec hmt "+patch32=0x284:$($durn+$start)" "$hmtfn.hmt"